Chapter 21

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"Mikaela, what have I told you about raising your voice at me?"

"He said he wanted to leave but I didn't know he'd leave so soon." Yoichi said.

As Yuu was leaving, Mika walked in at that moment and saw him, Krul gathered all the others and told them about Yuu leaving. While most didn't seem to care, Mika was raging, Yoichi was saddened, Lacus was speechless but it was obvious that he was disheartened by it.

"I don't blame him, left, right, center, all he faces are sexual harassments." Lest said

Krul glared at Mika and Lacus. "Well it's not like he was to remain here forever, I'm glad he's gone, now Lacus and Mika will no longer have anything tying them to Mika. While you're all allowed to pay visits, I'll be on the look out, one funny move on Yuichiro and I'll immediately bring you back here."

Yoichi smiled. "We can go visit?"

Renee frowned, he was going to celebrate the leaving of the Wonderland but now the Queen was suggesting still being able to meet with him. He had done enough, he'd really like it if Mika and Lacus forgot about him and focused on something else.

"Well, the Wonderlands gone, maybe we can get a little peace and quiet." He said. "Why don't we all go beast catching again?"

"I'm in." Shusaku and Makoto chorused.

"I'm free at the moment." Kimizuki said.

"So am I." Lest said.

"I still can't believe it, Yuu-chan would just leave without even a proper goodbye." Mika frowned. "Well whatever, I'm going to go see him."

"He just left, won't you let him breath a little?" Krul asked.

"No, I'm going to his home and I'm going to beat him silly for leaving me." Mika left the room.

Krul smirked. "Poor son of mine, the portal to the real world won't be open until I want it to." She chuckled and turned back to the other boys. "It's best if you boys go play now, Yuichiro is back home and he's promised not to do anything with his name." Krul stood. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm tired and I want to rest."

"By rest do you mean having intercourse with Lord Ferid?" Renee asked.

Krul blushed. "NO I DO NOT." she yelled in embarrassment and disappeared.

Renee looked back at Lacus, who still hadn't said a word, he just kept on staring into a blank space. "We can't interfere with the real world, but if you're that down about it you can always go for a visit to see him Lacus."

"I can't." Lacus finally spoke. "I can't go see him, because she's there and I don't have the courage to look at her."

Mina was helping Yumi out with her homework but the young girl didn't seem to be paying attention rather she was more focused on her drawings.

"Yumi, can't you stay focus until your homework's done?" She asked, she looked to see what her daughter was actually drawing. "Who are you drawing?"


Mina frowned. "That damn pervert."

"Hm? Pervert?"

"You won't understand my love." Mina hugged her. "But promise me something, once you start growing breasts and seeing your period you'll try to stay away from him."

"Eh? Why?" Yumi pouted. "Mika says he can't wait to see me all grown up with big breasts. When I grow up I'm going to make Mika see the woman I've become."

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