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Enjoy————————————————————alexia POV

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alexia POV

after standing in that elevator after jack left debating if i should just pack up and leave, i decided to put on my big boy pants and just get this done and through. if jack wants to play that game, then i'll follow along but he's the LAST thing i'm going to let stop me from enjoying my trip here.

i walked into the hotel room noticing that my luggage was already there. i sighed of relief and made my way towards my bed and collapsed onto it; making my back muscles relax against the soft furniture.

i felt my phone go off in my back pocket instantly rolling my eyes. "a girl can't have one second in peace" i fished it out and answered it with an annoyed face.

"hello?" i said with no amusement in my tone, which the person on the other line seemed to get because a loud chuckle was heard.

"did i wake up the princess?" jordan, the guy who is putting together this whole show, laughed into my ears.

"oh gosh, sorry jordan, i just got to my hotel and i haven't had one cup of coffee yet." i chuckled and scratched my scalp as i sat up on the bed.

"don't stress it, but i need you to get down here. we're doing rehearsals and fitting" i could hear voices and something moving in the backgrounds when he spoke."oh sure, i'll be on my way right now." we said our goodbyes and i started making my way down to the lobby again.

i approached the entrance and two buff men were right at my side when i stepped foot outside leading me to my car.

"where are we going miss?" john asked starting the car as soon as i stepped foot inside and driving away from the crowd of people and onto the rode.

"we have to go to the venue for fitting john." he glanced at me through the near view mirror giving me a quick nod before heading in the direction of the venue. john knows almost every street of every place we've ever been too and i honestly don't know how he does it. it was a silent car ride, occasionally john asking if we wanted to stop somewhere he caught me looking at for a little too long.

we arrived at the big building, almost looking like a museum with beautiful sculptures on the outside and tall columns that seemed endless. we went through the back of the building like every other model that's supposed to be in the show. a man escorted me to where the fitting is being held and i looked around recognizing a few faces.

"alexia!" jordan was taking long strides towards me, a huge excited smile on his face.

"what's ups handsome?" i smiled at him and we met in a tight embrace.

"my head is spinning, everything just seems to be going wrong! i'm missing 2 models, and like 6 different suits don't fit" he ran an exasperated hand through his purple long hair, his rim glasses slighted slipping doing his nose bridge.

"oh come on! don't stress now, you have pulled the craziest shows together before, nothing is gonna change this time. tonight is gonna be epic and you're doing an amazing job. i'm here if you need any help." i patted his shoulder in a comforting matter which seemed to relax his tense muscles.

"thanks for those words of motivation, i just hope everything goes as planned." he gave me a half smile. "oh gosh what are we doing standing here?! you need to go try on your dress!" he rushed me towards a blonde lady, probably her early 30's with thick black glasses on top of her head.

"megan you know what to do with her." jordan rushed away trying to find something else to occupy his mind with.

"oh w—wow, i c—can't believe it! y—you're alexia taylor! i'm such a fan. you're even prettier in person." she spoke in a heavy english accent with an enthusiastic expression laced on her face; big blue eyes looking back at me.

"oh you're too sweet. please, i'm just a normal person." i laughed and sat down on the chair in front of her.

"right haha, when they told me i was going to be fitting you i almost lost my marbles!" she used her hands to show her mind blowing up and i laughed at how energetic she was.

"well megan, it's great to meet you and im so happy that we'll be working together doing this." we gave eachother a high five and laughed.


after an hour or two of doing my measurements, and slipping into the dress and making sure it fit correctly around my body, me and megan got to know eachother pretty well. turns out she's from the uk and is married to a man named billy, she also has two adorable little girls which she showed me countless pictures off and rambled on about; but it was absolutely cute.

"i have to use the bathroom really quick, i'll be back so just sit down and relax." she scurried away in hopes of finding a bathroom and i was left there standing in high heels still wearing the dress. i approached the full length body mirror and observed my small figure in the tall glass for the first time in a few hours. i've just been getting by how megan says it looks amazing on me but i doubt it.

the dress fitted tightly around my curves but not to the pint of suffocating; it was see through so you could see everything except for the material covering the most important parts. the straps hung loosely around my forearms, with another set keeping it up over my shoulders.

i'm not going to lie; i looked stunning in this dress. but i wasn't the only one who thought so too.

a husky whistle came from behind me and i looked up at the mirror and saw that same smug face looking me up and down.

"damn, looking good." jack flicked his tongue across his bottom lip and then yanking it between his teeth hiding that smirk; that for some reason, every time i see it, it does something to me.


i say i'm gonna start writing more and do the absolute opposite lol.

i'm so sorry you guys have to deal with me haha but i hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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