22- Leave the Light on.

Start from the beginning

"I understand more than you think! Come on man! She's a hooker or whatever the fuck she is! It's her duty to look like she cares, I'm sure in her own way she does. After she's emptied your wallet!"

My fists tighten.

"Zak! Leave him!"

"What the fuck is your problem?! What is it? Jealous because I found someone? What?!"

"Jealous?! You've been taken for a fool and no doubt left broken and without a dime! But you can't think past your dick to see it!"

"She didn't take the money!"

"Was that before or after she saw your home?! Think about it you idiot! What's $10k when you own a Lambo? She's holding out for a bigger pay check!"

For a second I can see his way of thinking. For a second I'm swayed and in that second, I feel rotten for even comprehending that Leah could do that to me.

"Zak. Please." Billy speaks again.

My chest heaves as I try to get more oxygen, I'm angry, really angry and it was something that I was struggling to contain.

But movement caught my eyes and they snapped away from Bacon and Billy. Landing on a smaller figure who was looking between us all, worry etched in their features. My hands loosened of their own accord, until they fell away from Bacon's shirt.

"Leah." I spoke softly, causing one side of her mouth to lift, a gentle smile washing my way, calming my fire almost instantly. I opened my mouth to speak again, but then I noticed there was something different about her, the look in her eyes or the unease, or maybe it was the fucking dog tags swinging on her neck....


Shortly after Leah had arrived, both Bacon and Billy made their excuses and took off. I knew I'd have to apologise to both of them, maybe Billy more, but Bacon had been goading me and from my reaction alone, I knew Leah meant something to me...

We hadn't spoken, simply watched each other as we both took a seat on the outdoor furniture, looking between ourselves and the sky above our heads.

I had questions, lots of questions, but where do I begin? I had dropped her off today convinced she wasn't going to come back, but here she is, sat before me, looking unsure of herself and me. Did she regret coming back?

"How is he?" I ask. The question takes her by surprise causing a series of bumbling and frowning.

"Married." She settles before looking down at her fingers. "Sorry I've been so long."

I shake my head.

"I see I've made a friend in Bacon then..."

"He's a fucking idiot that doesn't know what he's on about." I mutter.

"Still.. Don't fall out with each other over me."

"What kind of man would I be if I let him chat shit? It's simple, I wouldn't be one. He has been asking for it."

"He's wrong, by the way.. About the money. I don't want it I—"

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