45 ~ End of the Year

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"You realize that you've broken at least a dozen school rules? That the punishment is to be expelled?"

Emma, Harry, and Ron were standing in front of Dumbledore's desk. Ginny had been returned to her parents, who had come to the school when they received the news. Lockhart was in the hospital wing.

"Yes, sir," the three of them said in unison.

"So it is only fitting that the three of you should be awarded with special services to the school," Dumbledore said.

Emma shared awed expressions with the boys, then said "Thank you, sir."

Dumbledore smiled. Then he stood from his chair and picked up a folded piece of parchment.

"Mister Weasley, Miss Quinn, if you could have an owl send these release papers to Azkaban? I think we would like our gamekeeper back," Dumbledore said, handing the papers to Emma. The two left Dumbledore's office and hurried to the owlry. Emma awoke her raven-black owl, Shadow. She tied the parchment to the owl's leg and sent her soaring out the window.

"Come on, Ron, let's go to the hospital wing. I want to see Venus and Hermione," Emma said, dragging Ron behind her as she ran. They entered the hospital wing and went to Venus's bedside.

"What are you two doing here?" Madame Pomfrey asked, hands on her hips.

"We came to see Venus and Hermione, Madame Pomfrey," Emma said. "Is the potion ready yet?"

"It will be ready in a few hours," Madame Pomfrey said. "Come here, Miss Quinn, I'll stitch you up."

"Stitch me up?" Emma asked.

"You have a scratch on your forehead, Miss Quinn," Madame Pomfrey said.

Emma felt her forehead. It was wet, and it hurt to touch. She winced and brought her hand away. Her fingers were red. Emma knew she could heal it herself, but she also knew it would earn her a few stares. Instead, she sighed and sat on one of the beds as Madame Pomfrey cleaned the cut and stitched it up.

Ron dismissed himself to go to his family. Emma knew Molly Weasley would be fussing over him and Ginny for a long while, so she wished him luck.

When Madame Pomfrey finished with the stitches, Emma went to the girls' bathroom and washed her face. She was covered in dirt and her face was still sticky with sweat. She glanced down at her ring and touched it lightly. In a few days, she'd be back in America. Back at Camp Half-Blood. Back with Will and Annabeth and Percy and Grover and all the others. She couldn't wait.

Of course, she'd miss Hogwarts and her friends here. But at least she wouldn't be sitting around all summer with nothing to do.

She returned to the hospital wing and sat by Venus's bedside. Venus's striking blue eyes were wide as they stared up at the ceiling. Her skin was like marble, cold and smooth. There were fresh flowers sitting in a vase on the bedside table.

Emma began to tell Venus the story of how she, Harry, and Ron had saved Ginny and killed the Basilisk. She knew her best friend couldn't hear her, but she spoke anyway.

When the story was finished, she told Venus about Camp Half-Blood. About the twelve cabins in a U-shaped pattern. About her brothers and sisters, Annabeth, Percy, and Grover. She told Venus about the training she'd received, and how she was a natural archer. She told Venus her hopes for her next summer at the camp. When she was finished, and had no other stories to tell, she sat in silence.

Emma glanced at the clock on the wall. There was still a while before dinner. Emma said goodbye to Venus and Hermione and hurried along the corridors to the Room of Requirement.

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