7 ~ The Slytherins Get a Makeover

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True to their word, Fred and George went down to the kitchens and put the potion into the goblets on the Slytherin table. They did it before dinner so that when everyone crowded into the Great Hall and the Slytherins started eating, everyone would be able to see the bright hair.

Emma waited anxiously for dinner to start so that the Slytherins would drink the potion. When the dishes in front of her finally filled with food, she winked at Fred and George and they stood up and called order to the students.

"Attention! We would like to propose a toast to our Headmaster, Professor Dumbledore!" Fred yelled.

"Everyone please raise your goblets and toast with us!" George yelled.

Everyone raised their goblets and said "Dumbledore," then drank to him. Emma was actually surprised the Slytherins had even participated. 

Instantly, the Slytherins' hair all turned bright colors. Emma laughed loudly at the sight, the other Gryffindors joining in. Emma particularly liked Draco's hair: hot pink. It clashed horribly with his Slytherin tie, but it was a funny sight nonetheless. Soon everyone in the Great Hall was laughing at the hair of the Slytherins. Even Dumbledore offered a few chuckles. Snape and the rest of the Slytherins were not amused. They glared evilly at the Gryffindors, mostly at Fred and George.

"Students, please go back to the feast, we will sort out the hair situation later." Dumbledore said loudly. Though Emma saw a twinkle in his eye as his gaze fell on the prankster twins. 

The hair situation did not need to be fixed, however, because the Slytherins' hair changed back to normal a few minutes later. Emma high-fived Fred and George, it really was them that had done everything. Venus smiled as she ate, happy that she and Emma hadn't gotten in trouble. At least.... not yet. 

"Venus, remember, Fred and George asked us to make the potion, we didn't know they were going to use it on the Slytherins. That's our coverup in case the twins throw us under the bus and claim it was all us." Emma said quietly, only so that Venus could hear. Venus nodded her head to show she understood and kept eating.

As the Gryffindors were heading back to the common room, McGonagall called out, "Mr. Weasley, Mr. Weasley, Miss Tyler, and Miss Quinn, would you come here please?" Emma froze and then followed Venus to McGonagall.

"Mr. Weasley, Mr. Weasley, you both have detention for a week, starting after break is over." McGonagall said, shooing them off. When they had disappeared up the staircase, McGonagall turned to Emma and Venus, "Miss Quinn, Miss Tyler, did either of you take part in this prank?"

"No, professor, the twins asked us to help them with the potion, but we didn't know what they were using it for. They said they wanted to change their hair color, not the Slytherins." Emma said.

"Yeah, Professor, we didn't know until we saw it happen." Venus said.

"I see, well off to bed. Happy Christmas." McGonagall said, turning and leaving the two girls on the stairs.

Emma and Venus grinned to each other and ran up to the common room. They had successfully completed a prank and not gotten in trouble for it. But Emma still felt the nerves that came from lying to a teacher. Oh well, at least it was worth it to see the looks on the Slytherins' faces. 

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