Another Plan

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8674 was sitting at the table looking at pictures of the rescue of Potts. That little spider had come to the rescue and apparently, the agents who were in charge had disappeared from the scene; maybe they knew what they were going to get if the boss finds out. He eventually did and already sent his best people to look for them. 8674 just sigh, they couldn't do anything right for once. 

She was about to call the boss for new when there was a knock on her door. Quickly, she put away the pictures and change her appearance. She went to the door and open the door. It was Pietro.  He had bags under his eyes and kinda look pale. He was wearing a simple t-shirt and some pants. 

"Oh Pietro, how are you doing?" She asks him with a "smile", "and don't lie, I can see something is wrong." 

Pietro gives her a small smile, "Yeah, I am fine just tired that's all. (Y/n), I am here to apologize for the event of yesterday. For some reason, as soon as Steve went to close to you, I snapped. I felt rage, hatred but most confusing, I felt like I had to kill him. Something I not proud to say." He murmurs the last part and looks down at the floor. He was ashamed of himself. Something 8674 would understand if it wasn't for the fact that she was the one who caused it and was proud of her art. 

"Oh my God Pietro, it is okay. I might not know what or who caused it but I know you didn't mean it. Besides, no one got hurt well only you but no one else got hurt." 8674 says making Pietro looks at her, "Wanna come inside?" 

Pietro nods, 8674 moves aside and lets him in. Pietro take his sit on the couch and just notices what she is wearing and blushes a little. She was wearing a big long-sleeve shirt and some pants. He remembers what Tony said about women how uses big shirts to sleep. 'We all know that they used those type of shirts to hide their beautiful and fluffies-'  

"Want something to drink? Water? Tea? Soda?" 8674 ask Pietro from the kitchen, which makes him blush as he recalls where he is. He just says water and she comes with a glass of it. 

"So, are you guys planning anything for today?" 8674 sits next to him on the couch. 

Pietro takes a sip of his glass, "Well, after the fiasco of yesterday, Tony suggest to go out to eat. Actually, I want to invite you to eat with us and this time I swear there would not be any attacks." 

"Oh, Pietro..." 8674's eyes change to completely white, "I know it would not happen again." Pietro notices this and tries to run but he is too late. "Stay."  Her words echoing in his head while he stays in his spot. Her voice made him feel like he was floating as if he was in peace. 

"Pietro, I want you to do me a favor. Of course, you will not remember I even ask this. Okay, so I want you to participate in a mission of mine. This is how is going to work. You are going to suggest a place to eat but it is actually an isolated place. Then, you would tie them with this." She reaches out a hand and a rope starts to materialize, "This rope is very special. It's hard to break from it and makes you say the truth as the rope of that chick. You, Pietro, would become my partner and I am not asking you. You will be my partner. Do you understand?

"Yes, my Mistress." Pietro looks at her with dull eyes. 

"I'm glad we got that clear. Next thing I want to clarify. You will not remember this. When you see the real me, you will come to me and stay by my side. Reason? You are actually cute. Aww, how I wish you still be with us but you decide to go to Ultron and then to them. Speaking of Ultron, guess how found some interesting pictures of him so they get to make a replica of him? Me! Pietro, this mission is getting easier and easier." 8674 stares at him for some second before reaching out to him and plant a small kiss on his lips. " Okay, here the rope. You will take it with you when you guys go to eat. Say I couldn't go because I had to visit one of my relatives.

One more thing Pietro. Besides that, you will not remember I ask this, can you tried to attack any from the Avengers who tries to go near me in case the rope doesn't work. Okay, session over." 

8674 change her eyes to the blues she had and stares at Pietro that he still under the effect. 

"Pietro? Are you okay?" 8674 shakes him a little bit. Pietro wakes from the effect and shakes his head. 

"Sorry (Y/n), my mind went somewhere else. Oh yeah, about the invitation." 

"Yes about that..." 8674 replies, "I can't go. I have to visit a relative of mine but maybe next time, I might go." 

"It's okay, (y/n). Next time it will. Well, I have to go because my head it's starting to hurt pretty badly." 

8674 and Pietro went to the door. As Pietro went out he turns around to address her again. "I am really sorry of yesterday, I don't know if I actually scared you but I am sorry of that." 8674 just smiles and says that everything was okay. Pietro nods and goes to the elevator. 8674 closes the door and goes to her room. She calls her boss. 

"I hope you have some good news, 8674." 

"I do, sir. I have some images of Ultron, meaning I can make a replica of him. Also, an Avenger would be my partner and it's not the Winter Soldier." 

After a few ideas and ask for more money and supplies, 8674 hang up. Yes, this mission is getting interesting. It was only a matter of time for her mission to accomplish, however, she needs to do something about the spider. 

With a certain teen spider: 

Peter was looking at her aunt and Pepper talking about something. Pepper tries to call Tony but he didn't answer. Peter need it to find a way to contact him, he could see Pepper getting worried for  Tony. He made his decision. Spider-Man will talk to Tony Stark. 

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