Chapter 1

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This was your life. Wake up, trained, being tortured, practiced your power on innocent people, tortured again, a little meal and then you sleep although four hours. If boss were in a good mood, you would get a proper meal and sleep hours. However, those occasions were rare and every day was the same routine.

Of course, you were not the only one in Hydra who was tortured, The Winter Soldier was your partner in missions but that was before the fall of SHIELD. After those events, he fled away from HYDRA, leaving you alone. There were more people experimented on as you but none of them would never be same like you or the Winter Soldier.

You were in middle of training when the boss comes in.

"8674 please come here for a second." The boss call after you.

"Yes, boss." You answer as you go to him.

As soon you in front of him, he kicks you in the stomach. You take it. He starts to hit you everywhere but it does not affect you anymore. You got used to the pain.

Your boss notice your reaction and seems to be pleased with the result.

"You have a mission."


The mission was simple, kill Virginia "Pepper" Pots most known as assistant of the Famous Tony Stark aka Iron Man. Well actually, kill the replica of Potts in front of Tony Stark so he gives some blue prints about his newest suit.

Some Agents came for the real Pepper to keep her away from the plan. You were waiting in the Stark Tower, or more known as Avengers Tower, with the replica tied down on a chair besides you. The plan was, wait for Stark to come, say some words and, if necessary kill the replica and then Stark it is possible.The replica was emotionless, she was not crying or screaming, she was just there and you did not like that. Therefore, you take a deep breath and turn to look at the replica.

"Look at me."

The replica turns to her, you smirk at her and active your power


As magic, the replica starts to cry like crazy, sobbing and sniffing. You just smile at your art and turns to look around. This was Tony floor as the machine had said. You were about to go to look for the prints but you hear something outside. You look up at the sound, Iron Man looking at you.

"Yell for him." You say to the "Pepper Potts".

"TONY!" "Pepper" yells for him, and tries to free herself. You would start to laugh if it was not for the fact that Iron Man was not alone. With him was Vision, Thor and far behind them was the quinjet going to their direction.

Well this it is not going as the plan was agreed. Time to improvise. 

The Puppet Master (Avengers x HYDRA!Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora