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Number: 8674 Subject aka Puppet Master

Age: 25 years.

Gender: Female.

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 57 kg.

Race: Human

Description: The subject 8674 has short (h/c) hair, because the experiments, her eyes had become white. The subject is not equal to others, weak or always terrified, but very strong, stubborn, brave and intelligent. She knows when someone is going to attack her. We recommend caution around her.

Powers: With her voice, she can control anything, such as people, animals, immobile objects, atoms; and even it has the ability to control the universe itself. Although this is only a theory. Another power acquired by the experiments was to create things with her mind. A very useful skill to acquire new weapons.

Power level: No information.

Rating: Agent.

Weaknesses: None so far.

History: Everything that knows about the subject is that its finding was by accident.

Mission: to destroy the Avengers and Winter Soldier, the agent did not fulfill its mission and fled Hydra.

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