Chapter 5

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8674 was in her apartment laying on the sofa thinking of how to befriend the Avengers.

It had been a week since than her mission started. She given clothes, a bank account and an apartment. The apartment was just a floor above Captain America's one. It rumored in HYDRA that the Avengers were living in apartments since the fire she provoke.

The first thing to do was to change her appearance. The Avengers knew her looks and sure as hell, Tony Stark wants to kill her for the Pepper accident. The second thing to do was convince the Winter Soldiers to come back to HYDRA. She, for some reason, wanted the soldier back. She thought it was because it was boring without someone with the same capacity as herself.

She jumps from the sofa and heads to the bathroom. Her apartment is a nice one to be honest, HYDRA thought on everything. Her living room was somewhat fancy with some black and expense couches, her kitchen was fancy as well but they just put wood floor and that is it. She enters the bathroom she goes in front the mirror. She closes her eyes and thinks of a new look. Black hair*, blue eyes** and some change of height. She opens her eyes.

"Change." She says, as she look her reflection.

As magic, her hair began to change from (h/c) to black hair, as same goes to her eyes from (e/c) to blue ones. Her height increase by just 5 inches. She look at herself one more time before going out to face her mission. She did not look different actually but something was something.

She grabs her purse and heads outside, hoping she could at least speak with one of her objective. She closes the door behind her and runs into someone. She was about to react by attacking but then she remember her purpose.

"I am so sorry, young maiden." A strong and deep voice with an Austrian accent spoke, "I have mistaken the floor. Here let me help."

8674 is raise up from the floor to encounter Thor, the god of thunder. She had read about this suppose god, he is somewhat the naïve of the team. Maybe she could start to be friend him first.

"Thank you, Mr. Thor right?" She acted out.

"Yes my lady." Thor bows a little, "I notice you head out, maybe you were going to somewhere when I run into you. May I go accompany to the exit as an apologizes for my mistake?"

"Well you don't have to apologize for anything but sure why not?" She says as she and Thor head to the elevator.

There was one thing that 8674 knew for sure. Her mission had officially started. 

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