Isn't lovely?

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([Wow, a whole ass year since I uploaded in here. I do apologize. Thught the year, I have been writing this chapter and deleting over and over again.  I really was close to leave it however, one class taught just to write. Write and don't stop writing, and that's what I will do.  Please, stay safe and love you guys.])

Bruce opens his eyes after the bomb explodes. He didn't feel any warmth or the other guy coming up. He looked around it and was amazed. Everything looks as if they were inside a...mirror?

"Why is it that when something explodes, is always you people?" A voice rang on top of them. It was a tall man, with blue ropes and a red cape. Had yellows gloves and a big eye necklace. "Name's Doctor Strange. I sense the commotion and I had to make sure it wasn't magic related, consider your friend here." His view landed on Wanda for a brief moment. "However, it seems as you couldn't handle a minor problem. I will gladly help."

Tony flies towards the doctor.

"Where are we, magic man ?" Tony ask. It was a good question, it looks so surreal and it was almost dizzy to catch up.  It was like they were inside a mirror, and around them was moving as nothing happened, some people even walk past them without a reaction.  

"I have brought you to the mirror dimension, a parallel dimension where magic practices magic without the public's knowledge." Dr. Strange explained, "I heard explosions and had another sorcerer take care of it. However, you were too close to the bomb so I decided to bring you here instead." 

Wanda was looking around looking for something, or more likely, someone. Wanda starts to levitate. The reflections and the weird angles of cars and red were making it hard to look. Wanda turns to Strange. 

"Where is he?" 

"Who?" Strange arches an eyebrow at her. 

"My brother. He was heading towards the bomb, and yet, I don't see him or sense him here with us." Wanda's hands were slowly glowing red. She almost lost him once, she wasn't going to lose him again. Dr.Strange notice the shift in the situation, slowly raising his arms, he tries to calm Wanda. 

"When I teleported the bomb, there want anyone near it. You were near the explosion hence why the mirror dimension is open. I didn't see anyone."

Wanda was losing herself. Pietro was gone, and she didn't stop it. 

"Let us out, Magic man," Tony speaks out from below. " so we can look for our team member." 

Strange just sigh and moves his arms in a certain pattern. The surroundings change and the sound shatter glass being rewind could be heard.  THe place was back to normal. If normal was a black spot where they were standing and some parked cars where gone.  Wnada looks around for Pietro. EVen with her power, she couldn't located him. 

"Pietro! Where are you? Can you hear me?" Wanda was yelling by this point. No,no,no,no, she couldn't lose him. It was torutue when she thought she lost him last time with Ultron. She wouldn't be able to handle it. Steve takes steps forward. 

"Wanda, please calm down. We can all look for him but we need you to calm. We don't know if he is de-" 

"Dont you dare say it!" Wanda was inches from steve. Steve could see her eyes glowing red. Behind them, the worry and sadness hiding behind the anger of not being able to localized him. "He is alive. I just need to look farther from here. Maybe he run before the explosion."

Steve put his hands gently on her shoulders. 

"We'll look for him, but not here. We need to see if any civilian is hurt and then look form him. We can split the search. You, falcon and Tony would look from above, while the rest of us will look down here." 

Wanda nodded and Strange sais he will look for him as well. While everyone was helping any near by civilian, Wanda just had a question in her mind. Why pietro run from her to the other women? 


"Holy ficking shit!" You breath out as you hold into Ultron for dear life as you teleported to a abadoined bulding. Everything was going as plan. Put the bomb, engaged the idiots into battle, detenote the bomb and get before doing it. However...

"Are you alright, my master?" Pietro was holding into Ultron legs as he lays on the floor. 

Pietro. The damm idiot decided to save 'his master' and run into the bomb. Well, more likely to you. Ultron grab you and just flew away as he denoted the bomb. Pietro managed to grab his leg and this made ultron lose his balance in the air and alsmot need it up near the explosion.  With some help from you, you three manage to teleport to building outside of New York. Ultron looked at you and then glance down at Pietro. 

"I knew it. The moment I saw this piece of flesh getting out the Quinjet, I knew something bad was going to happened. Now, we have this dumb as a hostage and if Wanda sees us with him, we are sure dead."

"Wow," You excalim, "You are actually afraid of the little Maximoff. Dotn worry big guy. I have a plan. Of course, it involves getting a bit messy." You galnce to Pietro. Your loyal subject. He would do anything just to please you, and you knew what you wanted from him. 

"Hey, Pietro." Pietro looks at you and stand up. " Do you mind give me a hand?" 

The last thing that Pietro sees as he blackout is you smirking down to him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2021 ⏰

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