Chapter 11

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It was a chaos. Pietro was beating up Steve for some reason. Bruce and Tony tried to calm Pietro but he wouldn't hear. Vision tried as well, by going through Steve and hold Pietro but before he could get him, Pietro would run away just to come back a hit Steve with everything he has. Steve didn't want to fight back. He might know that he was being under attack but he didn't know the reason. Maybe he was having a flashback of Ultron. Wanda was trying to get to her brother's head, to see the cause of this madness but she couldn't. Someone was blocking her from Pietro and that scared her. The rest of the Avengers were trying to help Steve to get up or do something but Pietro would run between them. 

(F/n) was 'crying' and 'pleading' for Pietro to stop, which (of course) he didn't. No one knew was happening. To make the things worst, Bruce was starting to look green for the screams and cryings. Bucky decides to help Steve by trying to catch Pietro. He did catch him and knock him out. Wanda rush to her brother checks over him. 

"You did not have to do that!" Wanda yell at Bucky

Steve stood up and went to Bucky. 

"Thank you, Bucky but that was little harsh." Steve comment and Bucky just smirk.

(F/n)calmed down and went to sit down. She sighs as she checks the time on her phone. 9:30 pm. Blocking the phone, she closes her eyes. She feels someone else sitting next to her. She opens her eyes to see Bruce with his hands on his face. 

"Are you okay?" (F/n) asks Bruce. He takes his hand from his face and faces to her. He just smiles at her and nods. She smiles and they stay in silence.

After few minutes, Steve comes over and looks at (F/n). 

"Hey, sorry for what happened. Wanda and Vision are checking up for any anomaly. If you want, I can walk you to your apartment."

"Steve that's so nice, but I am good. Thank you for the offer, and being honest you need to rest. Bye Steve." She pats his shoulders and says bye to the others as she walks out the apartment.

At her apartment (1st person)

Phew.... and I thought it was gonna last longer. Well, now have to report their plans to the director. I go to my room where my communicator lies on the desk. I hope they send more money, Wanda made me spend a lot. 

After reporting the data, I lay down on the bed. It has been a long and tired day, I turn my face to the clock near my bed and it marks 10:24 pm. I should head to sleep now. I need to find that Spider guy, I can't let him bring Pepper back from the dead. 

With a certain hero (3rd Person) :

Peter was in his bedroom sitting on his bed. He couldn't sleep, he saved Tony Stark's lover from HYDRA! He had seen when they kidnapped her and he followed them. After a good fight, he managed to rescued her and now she was in the guest room. Pepper talked to his aunt about staying at his house for some days while she finds a way to communicate with Tony. His aunt, oblivious to the situation, thought that she got lost and allowed her to stay. Peter and Pepper had a talked about his identity and she promise to keep the secret. Peter sighs and lays on his bed. 

He needed to reach out for Stark. 

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