Chapter 6

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Bucky was laying on his bed; he knew that (y/n) would come for the Avengers and him. He also knew that if that happens he would not be able to stop Tony from killing her. He sighs and he stands up. He need it to Steve talk to Tony, even though he told tony that he did not care about her; he was lying. He thought of her as a daughter, he feel responsible about her and her actions.

He heads to the kitchen when he hears screaming. He runs to find Steve and Tony screaming at each other. Natasha, Bruce, Vision and Pietro were behind Tony while Clint, Wanda, Sam behind Steve.

"What's going on?" Bucky place himself between the two heroes. Tony look ready to start a fight while Steve look his patience was about to snap.

"Tony wants to attack HYDRA tomorrow instead to wait for a better plan to get them."

"We have to Steve!" Tony yell at him.

Bucky was about to say something when the door opens. It is Thor with a young woman next to her. She had black hair and blue eyes but for reason in Bucky's mind it scream 'FAKE'. She look as same height as Tony does, maybe taller than he does. Thor notice them.

"Oh friends! What is the matter? There was a meeting?" Thor goes to them, "Brother Tony?"

Everyone was looking at him and the young woman. Not even a week had passed and Thor has already a friend in the apartments.

"Thor?" Clint spoke out, "Who is she?"

"Oh yeah friends, this is (f/n) and she lives a floor above from us. I meet her by mistaken the floor and run into her."

The young women smiles a little and waves at them.

"Hi! Thor had told me about you guys and your big friendship." She tells them, "I am excited to meet you all."

No one move for few seconds. Why Thor bring her here? Didn't they told him not to trust on anyone, that only them?

More seconds pass, just awkward silence invaded the room. It was until Bruce steps out behind Tony and goes to her. He takes her hand.

"Hi, I'm Bruce Banner, also known as the Hulk. I am the brain, with Tony, and the brawn of the team. Nice to meet you."

(F/n) smile at him and shakes back his hand. Even though the smile look real, just two people knew the truth, Bucky and Natasha. Natasha knew from experience and Bucky just knew a fake smile because he used to see them on (Y/n) on mission. She was danger and one you could not Trust but they did not dare to tell. There was a fight just few minutes ago; they did not want other one.

One by one, everyone began to introduce himself or herself, even though Pietro took it to personal.

"And what brings you heroes here, in these pieces of crap of apartments? I mean, you have a tower!" (F/n) express out, "If I can ask."

"We had a mission." Tony spoke first, "Some son of a bitch enter to hack the computer and try to download some blue prints for SHIELD. Fortunately, she could not do it but did a worse thing ever.

She kill Pepper Pots, my fiancée. She was innocent but that bitch could care less. She just download some of my blueprints and put a bullet in Pepper's brain. She had not mercy. After few minutes, the Tower got in fire, we never find the cause of the fire but I am sure it was her fault. Now I told Steve to attack by tomorrow but he refuses to attack!" Tony yells the last part while looking at Steve.

"Because it a bad idea, Stark. If we fight now it would cause an unnecessary war and kill innocent people."

"Innocent people had already die, Rogers!"

Bucky and Natasha saw how (f/n) was shaking, as if in fear of something. She shake her head and put her hands on her head.

"Stop!" She exclaim.

They stop. They stare at each other and begins to laugh. As if, they did not have the conversation at all.

"Why we were fighting again, Steve?" Tony laughs

"I do not know anymore!" Steve goes to the ground for laughing too hard.

The Avengers could not do anything as they watch them laughing. For few minutes, they were wondering of what happened but cut it was by Thor's laugh.

His joyful laughs, including Tony's and Steve's was so contagious that one by one they began to laugh. Even (F/n).

Everyone was having fun with the exception of three people, Bucky, Natasha and (F/n). Those two, Natasha and Bucky, knew something was off, as they were getting a bad feeling about a new friend. Meanwhile, (F/n) knows the truth, the truth in that fake smile.

(F/n) knows that, on by one, she would befriend them and one by one, she would kill them.    

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