"Hey Munch!" he tickles her.

"Well I better be going" Moon says and we look at her.

"How are you getting there?" I ask.

"My dad" she says.

I raise an eyebrow. "And how are you getting to your dads?"

She face palms herself then looks at me with a smirk.

She puts her hand up at my shirt. "Heyyyy can you drop me off at my house?"

I laugh and nod. "Yea. We'll be right back Stefan, Amaya" I say.

They nod and Moon and I walk out of the house and into my Lamborghini.

I speed off and she looks out the window. "Dodge... I've been eating and still haven't been gaining weight... what's wrong?" she frowns.

"Well, you've only started eating for two days and it's only one meal, you need to be patient" I say softly.

"But I'm so jealous of you and Stefan! You two can eat for hours and still not gain weight and stay fit" she says with sadness.

I chuckle. "We're always in the gym training for our next fight"

She sighs. "I'm not allowed to workout"

"You don't need to either. You're fine. You just need to eat more..." I say.

"I'm trying... really hard" she says.

I pull into her driveway. "I know. And I'm glad"

She looks at her house. "Thank you Dodge, I'll see you later! With exciting news!!" she kisses my cheek before running out of the car and into her house.

I laugh and pull out, speeding home.



One two!



"Woohoo!!" the guys shout as Stefan and I finish doing mitts with dad and Felix.

"You're more than ready for your fight next weekend!" Aiden says!

"Hell yea!" Froy agrees.

Stefan and I laugh. "Thanks"

"Pull up time!" Hunter says and walks over to the workout area.

Stefan and I take off our gloves and do three sets of fifteen pull ups.

"YES YES YES!!" Felix claps.

"FUCKING YES!" dad shouts.

We drop and do push ups.

"GO GO GO!" Froy eggs us on.

"Here" dad sits on my back and Aiden sits on Stefan's.

Oh shit these are big guys.

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