Chapter 16

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It's been awhile since I thought about Ashton. I don't know if that's good or bad. There are times I'm annoyed by the thought of him because I know it's all just and allusion. I had hope on our relationship but now not so much. I know I sound so un fateful right now but it's true.


Nadia jack and I walk in to Stevens dinner. The same flirty girls greeted jack. The red head with the yellow bandana was clearly very fond of him. Which kinda killed me inside for some reason especially when she decided to ruin our plans by inviting all of us to her stupid party. Gladly Nadia turned her down and so did jack. Right after leavening the dinner we went back to Nadia's place. I has usual go down to the basement with jack as Nadia secretly makes out with her boyfriend who is 3 years older then her and the relationship is well illegal.

" hey..... Who was that guy with the blue shirt at your party?" Iv been meeting to ask him that question for days now and finally I did.

" who?" He says as he puts down his xbox remote.

" the one with the number on his shirt?" I point at my shirt

" oh him..? Why?"

" just wondering."

" awwww Alex has a crush..!!! Cute."

" nooo he was just nice and I wanted to know his name."

" what ever makes you feel better hon" he shrugged with a grin. I laugh at his stupid behavior. He goes back to the xbox. I watch as he makes a head shot 3 times in a row. God I he makes me feel awful cuz the first time I tried I died the minute he handed me the remote. Soon he pauses the game again and turns to me.

" what...?" I give him a questionable look.

" I over heard your parents say that you might move somewhere awesome!" He said with a smile.

" wow ...move me !... No and plus no matter where I move It would never be awesome!" I fold my arms on my cheat. I can't believe he would be happy he knows exactly why I don't want to move. Sometimes I question which side he's on. I look away from him in disappointment.

" oh so livening with me doesn't sound awesome?!!!" He frowned. I jerk my head up to his face. I don't say anything just smile. I mean living in Nadia's and jacks house wouldn't be that bad. His parents are sooo chill and I would go to school with Nadia but the down side is I probably won't ever see Ashton ever again. That's why I'm doughtful on our relationship. many thoughts go throw my head. I know I probably shouldn't had continued the conversation but I couldn't help it.

" is it official?"

" I don't know but they sounded serious. Why? Aren't you happy" he turned to face me.

" I am really happy actually but did they say why?"

" well all I neared was that the schools are better here." He paused I could tell he knew what I was thinking. With in seconds I feel him wrap his arms around me.

" you'll be fine. Trust me." And the truth was I did trust him. He is the only person iv ever trusted the only person that got me from the beginning.

" wanna go out for yogurt?" He asked pulling his hoodie on and throwing a random on to me. Now that I remember my love for hoodies came from him. Since back when I was little I used them as pj. Lol.😭


" have you heard this song it's like crazy and the music video is so creepy! And you know how much I love creepy and mysterious!!" I saw as I type in the song on his phone and plug it to the speakers from his care

Sia- chandler

I Burt the song as he starts the car. I close my eyes. The song always made me wonder and dig deep in to my mind. When I open them back up I notice that we aren't in the yogurt shop route but back in the park from his party.

" what are we doing here?" I say unbuckling my seat belt. Parking he gets out.

" I was driving to the yogurt shop and then I thought about this funny duck so I came here."

" so what your saying is you came for a duck......"

" exactly... But this duck is not just a duck it's a weird ugly duck that is also very hilarious!"

He pulled on the sleeve of my hoodie we walked up a hill to the lake. I paused when I saw what he meant. At the bottom of the hill was the most ugliest duck ever although I'm not even sure it was a duck at all. I burst out laughing as jack fails to catch it. The big thing spread his brown dirty wings and honks at minutes jack returns with mud on his jeans.

" such a loser!" I huff.

" hey!!! I bet you can't even get near the duc.." I cut him off

" duck!! That's not a duck it a thing!! Which I for some weird reason am intrigued in and plus I think your confusing me with your sister cuz would get near it!" I point my finger at him and then laugh. I could never keep a strange face with him.

" no seriously that's needs to go to a zoo or something" I say between laughs.

" why! Let it be if it wants to leave it will leave and if not we have no right to make that choice for him/or her." I look at him greenish yellowish eyes. For so reason I beginning to think he has a crush on the duck thing. I give his a simple smile.

" we should go my moms gonna yell for leavening with out telling her,"

" yea we should." I start walking back from where we came from. Right when were back in the car it starts to rain. Everything is quite except for the sounds of the rain on his car. I slowly drift and before I knew it I was asleep.

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