Chapter 13

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" Alex, lex, Andrew!!! Wake up!! You guys are late!!!" My mother yelled from the kitchen. today was the start of the worst 3 days of my life . My parents had the brightest idea to send my brothers and I to a three day camp with my cousin Kyla.

Lazily I drag my self off of bed and take a fast shower. As I pull a shirt over myself I hear a knock at the bathroom door.

" why you taking a shower your gonna sweat!" My mother complained.

" because I want to! " She's such an idiot sometimes. Before she gets the chance to respond I'm out of the bathroom. I walk past her get my bag and go out the door.


The team leaders sat us all in large dark room with green curtains. which were all closed leavening the room dark until one of the leaders turned on the lights.

Reveling a big stage with instruments gathered on top at the very top hung a banner with the camps name. From the back a deep voice welcomes us. turning I see a man in a gray suite. He made his way to the stage as other campers made their way to a empty chair. from there I zoned out , but I'm guessing he just went over the rules.

" red team..

Gabby , Max, Noah , Alex.." My head raised from my resting position. I walk next to the team red leader as he continues through the list. I stare at my nails as she continues calling out names. until his name was called.

" Alejandro . G"

My head jerks up. In hopes it's not the Alejandro I knew...


There stood the ass hole that screwed me over.



"don't walk around the hallways" I roll my eyes. God you mess up once and teachers hold it against you. I hate math I have since I can remember. I need to get out of his class it's just to depressing. I walk around the hallways in hope to find people to talk to. Having no success I walk back to my class. But took the long way which is through the 7th grade hallway. Midway down to my class room door I stop for water. Out of nowhere I feel arms wrap around my waist. I turn around to find Alejandro.

" what the hell" I pull his arms off of me.

" what... I know you like me." he smirked

" liked ... ED at the end as in the past" I stressed out the the E and D.

" ok surrr... Anyway what would you say if I asked you out?" I was now walking with my back to him.

" I don't know.... No.." He laughed and pulled me back.

" Why you hesitate?...." He raised an eyebrow. Ugh to tell the truth yes I did like him more

then I gave off, but he's was the school player and he broke my best friends heart. He step closer to. I step back against a locker.

" I have to go." I try to escape.

" me to but first..... Give me a kiss." He put his arm on both sides of the locker.

" what!!!! No...." He laughed

" come on I won't let you go."

" Alejandro let me go! I swe..." he interrupted me.

" come on a small on"

" what the hell no alej.." He kissed me. I wanted to say I hated it but I didn't. When it was over he let me go. in my mind I knew I was dead. What just happened would get around and my best friend would kill me... The whole world will kill me.

I go back in my class speechless.


The next day the whole school new. People that I never even talked to stopped and asked me questions.

Omg you guys dating?? Was the one I got the most. All were turned down. I just hoped I could get to Julie before the rumors do. At lunch lily, Julie and the rest a waited. everything was good Julie clearly had no Idea I kiss her evil ex, but I had to tell her sooner or later. I ate quietly and fast so I can leave sooner. As I left lily comes up to me.

" shes gonna kill you." I pull her back

" what the hell"

" Alejandro really!! You know what happen to Julie and I don't want you to go through it to."

" the cheating part!! Lily were not even dating!!"

" no the being picked on part! People get jelly"

" jelly.......?"

" mad you know " rolling my eyes I walk away. Julie then came up to me.

" why would you fuckin do that!'

Great just great she found out.

" I'm sorry god it wasn't even me! It was him!"

" you know what he did to me."

" I kno.."

" just don't talk to me" she stomped off

On time Alejandro waited at the entrance of the gym. I speed walk up to him.

" ok you need to stop these rumors. First we are not dating and second I don't fucking like you!!!!!"

" hey hey.... I know you want me"

" screw you... My friends are all mad at me and Julie won't talk to me! "

" so.. She's just mad!" He put his arm on my waste. I yank it off.

" I don't what nothing to do with you ok!! Just don't talk to me or even look at me just forget we even talked ok just forget it all" I walk in to my class

In the end the rumors stopped. My best friend Julie forgave me but now and then Alejandro and his annoying self finds his way back in but is always kicked out.


" don't fucking talk to me." I focused my attention back to my nails

" why not. What if I want to."

" you kill your self"

" Hahah why you so salty!?"

" screw you!"

" sure what time!" He opened his arms. I roll my eyes

" your sick.." I walk to the back of the group. How am I to eat sleep and relax in the same room as my biggest enemy with out slaughtering him.

Dear god ,

Please give me the strength to not kill my self in the next 2 days.

With love,


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