chapter 5

36 3 0

name: Ashton

age: 16

birthday: Feb 05

After yet another tormenting day of being yelled at by my mother and my step father Tim , for something that wasent even my fault. I lay in my hard bed. I reach for my phone in my pocket. When I unlock it . It revels a message from my old friend Ashton.

him: hey haven't seen u in a while :/

me: hey to u to

him: wyd?

me Nm just texting ppl.

him: we should meet up some time?!

i hesatate to response. One because of the kind of life I live, being controlled by my mom and all. I have less privileges. I was not allowed to have friends over especially boys. I ended up not texting back.


The dreams keep getting worse and worse I don't know how to stop them or control them. All I have left to do is deal with it. All though I don't mind dreaming those dreams, because they are better then my reality. In my dreams I can stop and tell my self to wake up when it gets intense but in reality i cant. Life is hard enough already know in that I still have 3 more years to go till I am aficially an adult in the laws eye. Meaning I can leave home when ever I would like And that is exactly what I plan to do after high school.

my phone vibrates against my lamp table. Lighting up the screen I see I have resived

3 new messages from Ashton

him: come on me and the old gang are meeting up come down!

reading the text and how he refurred to our small group of friends "the old gang" takes me back to 7 grade back when both Ashton and I went to the same school. We were all really good friends him, Mike, zuri, and me. When Ashton entered sophomore year he moved to another school, leaving zuri and others. Our school is different then others the grades we're 6-9 meaning after 9 you go to another school.

him: come on

him: cooome it will be fun!! °O°

carefully I type in to the short long box accros my screen.

me: u guys come up I'm grounded.

seconds after he sends his responce

him: OK

about 3 minuets later I hear a knock at my door. I Rush to its in brace. I was actually kind of exited about this.I have enough time to play and goof around before my mom and Tim would arrive home. Taking a long good look at my self in the side view mirror in my room. I open the door and then make sure I close it fully behind me. After years I finally see my Good old friends

mike- he was extrimly tall and it looks like he has gone throw perverty cuz he  sure grew a lot skinnyer. Mike is a year younger then me but he doesn't go to my school he goes to a catholic private school.

zuri- She sure wasn't suprize. She I saw everyday at school. She is always yelling about her whight. Which is a big issus. zuri gained a great amount of whght over the couple of year and she didn't care at first but now its come back too Kik her ass.

and finally

Ashton- He looked the same except more diffined. You could tell he had been working out and has given him stunning results. His black hair fell perfectly on one side of his face. He wore a hollers shirt with light shaded blue jean. His  black and gray hoodie hung on his right shoulder.

I took a double take as I realize I had been looking at him far to long then normal. We all sat on the floor against the rough brick wall. I can't help but take glances at Ashton. We were all dead salience until mike spoke.

"so?" we all look at him in awkwardness and then at each other and burst out laughing. It always brought back memory of all the times mike tryed to start a conversation and fail.


As the time passes we all talk about our lives to each other. I Quietly keep most of my life story's shut. I never was able to trusat anyone in my life. exexpt my ex bff Mel who then backstabbed me. Its hard for me to open to someone even if I knew them half my life. For example my mother. She carryed me in her wome for 9 months and went throw the struggle of child birth. She should be the one person I could always count on but sadly all she dose is ruin me. As the group talks I go inside for water. I glance at the time from the corner of my eye to make sure its not near 12. Which is the time my mother comes home. I open my frige and pull out a cold water. When I turn out of nowhere I find Ashton . He gazed at me as I twist the top back on my water.

" need something?" I shyly ask.

" nah.. I just came to say good bye. my mom is down stares." he smirked

" oh.. OK .. but then." I smile back

" it was nice seeing you again. Alex." he leaned in for a hug which I granted and with that he left. Minutes after mike and Zuru came in to say good bye.


showing mike and Zuri out I then throw myself in my bed. I pull my phone out of my and press the light up botten. I smiled when I say the black print notice sign.

New message from Ashton

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