chapter 8

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We walked to a closet. Its door was emarld green with a moldy yellow lock. A brunette next to me dug into her pocket and pulled out a long key. The kind you used in ancient times. At the top end of the key flastered a design. I'm not sure how to describe it.Three circles over lapped forming a small circle in the middle and around those circles was yet another one holding them at together. As you go up the long rusty stem of the key until you get to the top . It has 3 small extensions on its right side.


from there the brunette shoves the key in the lock. After a few clicks the door creaked open. Inside the closet hanged clothing. The brunette ordered a girl and I to take one.I looked at the viarity of clothes. I was drawn to one on the left. I reached for it and pulled it out. Seconds after I feel someone push me down. The impact of my head connecting with the floor blurred my vision. As I recover I see someone on top of me. When My vision returned fully I see that what was on me wasn't a someone but a thing. Its fully covered blue eyes gazed above me. Its skin was green and its hair flameing orange. I try to slide my way out of its hold,but failed. When i lean to my side I watch as the creatures tail wagged in the air. I scream. Then out of no wear the brunette and the a short red head appeared. They pulled the thing of of me. Lifting my self up I lean against a small corner. I just watch in shock as the two girls jam the thing back in the closet. Locking the door they head back to me. The red head fulls me from my four arm as the other one slams my choice of clothing against my chest.

"let's go" they said walking in front of me. I quietly followed them knowing that if I were to have refuced, I my self would find my self in a closet. In my shaking hands was a dress. Color green. the hems of the dress were out lined with black giving it a illuminate appearance. On the back of the hanger hanged black boot like heels. In a sudden hult I bump on the back of the red head. The brunette looked back at us. As She spoke I let my eyes wonder around me. We stood in a simple white hallway. Behide her were to opening that looked like only lead to the same place as the other. The last words that spilled out of her mouth we're



Assuming the changing room was behind that wide opening I walk into it. I take the right opening. I walked into a white hallway. The walls looked old and rusty. Some parts we're more yellow then white. Further in the hallway Black curtains hanged from the ceiling. I walked inside one. The walls there were black like the curtains a small mirror hung in the middle of the tiny room. Soon I strip of my clothes and dress into the green dress. Ziping it up I turn to the mirror. The dress hung on my mid thigh,My dark brown hair illuminated against the green material. The tight dress shaped my body. When I put on the heels it looked even better. I smile at my reflection as I pull the curtain open. taking one last look I proudly walk back to the large opening. Waiting for me was the red head and the brunette. The red head wore a long plain white dress. The silky fabric danced  on her body. She had on red heels exactly like mine. As for the brunette, She wore what looked like a black latices dress. Which was past her mid thigh. With her "so called" dress She wore boots that reached up to her knee's. in hand the brunette held black robes. She each handed us one. after being ordered to put it on she places her thumbs on the top of our foreheads. She mumbled words in a language I didn't understand. Soon a deep pain erupted in the deep of my chest. Everything went dark....


In a the balcony of a white palace, Below me in uniforms we're men with swords and garments. In front of me in the horizon stood yet more men but with different uniforms yelling and holding their swords up. In the 5 seconds that I take a double take the two crowds of men run against each other. I watch as the white with silver colored armor men die with in minutes of the battle. In rage that I didn't know I was feeling I run back inside the place. Inside more white awaited me. I also noticed multiple shandalers. I find my self burst into a room which I assume is mine. From the closet I retrieve the same uniform as the men out side but with gold armor. Swiftly putting it on I run out side. in the middle of the battle field on a large stone levatated a silver sword. the sword looked weird. It's long blade was not straight like a normal sword. It was wavey and swisted. I suddenly find my self running for it. When I get it I try to run back in to the palace but one of the men from the oppisite team runs after me. I doge him as best as I can, but in one of those attempts I feel his blade sink in to my skin. I cry out loud from the pain. He then kicks me causing the swisted sword to fly across the floor. He runs for it but I reach for his foot causing him to fall. I weakly get up and run for it. successding I try to run to my life . Once again I am hit with a sword. now on my knees I rise the sword. In seconds it lights up in flames and then explodes


I open my eyes to darkness. I look around me and all I see is my room. I reach for my clock.



I roll my eyes and with that I pull the covers that we're now at the edge of my bed over my cold body. I close my eyes and go back to sleep.

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