Mist of unexplainable dreams

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My name is Alex I'm 15. I really don't know how to even start this dream journal or whatever you may call it. My life's depressing, with a drunk as a mother and no father I try my best to not kill myself. I have concerned to do a journal in along time sense the weird dreams began I just never got around to it and today I finally do.

chapter 1

People always told me that dreams and nightmare were just products of our imagination, that dreams were just a way to pass time while we slept. Unwillingly sometimes our dreams come to life and we dont even know it. Dreaming is a very powerful thing. We as humans just dont realize it till its to late. Our brain is a very complex part of our body, It holds secrets that are hidden in the most unexpected places.

Have you ever asked your self why you have the dreams you have? Why sometimes when their really emotionally powerful you cry? Then later on when you decide to tell someone and you dont even remember the dream that had made you cry for 10 whole minutes? If you were to ask your parents or a doctor who studys the brain Most of theses questions are easily explained as you imagination.

The thing about this is that Adults dont get it!! If you tell them you hear voices they think your crazy. If you try to explain to them what gose through your mind they either laugh in your face or secretly they are in there mind. The world is just full of dum people who wont just accept the fact that not everything has a explanation!! As you get older you may notice that you stop dreaming. That when you go to bed, you just close your eyes and then after a few hours you open them again like if you were in a game. That to me means your growing up meaning you are no long a child. You may think thats good but its not!!!! Dreamimg is like a super power if you dont make good use of it, it fades away.


"Adults should be more like children." Jesus once said to his followers

Although I am not really a full on believer of Jesus. I do agree with him. Ever sense I read that quote I believed that being a child is not something to be ashamed of. Children are superior to Adults in my eyes. They are so pure and truthful to each other. There minds work so diffrent from Adults. Children look at their surroundings/earth and call it perfect with out hesitation. Soon there minds begin to rot in what Adults call reality.

Well if you would like to know my opinion I would rather die then think the way they do. Everything about being an adult not only frightens me, but all so makes me hate my self. To think that one day I will stop dreaming and be concued by humanly thoughts of anger. I have stoped dreaming before and I felt horrible. My life seemed to plain and foggy. My life isn't as perfect as some of my friends might think by just looking at it. Sometimes I want to stab my self when my friends tell me

"oh your family gets along so well!!" or " your dad and mom are sooo nice!!"

because in reality my life is a big fat load of crap!!! Dreaming was and still is the only way to escape my life. When I realized I had stopped dreaming I tryed my hardest to deam I kept trying and trying!! Until one day my dreaming came back to me,but the dreams I had were not only frightening but strange. So far i have been having these dreams constantly. Some I remember others I don't. I have told some of my dreams to a friend who soon after was totally creeped out. She dident tell me she was, but the expiration on her face did. Writing this book wasn't entirely on my plan.It kind of just happened.The words that I have typed into this white plain page just flew through me like the flow of a river. I have no clue on how I will continue throw out the book, but I will try.

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