"HUNTER!" Ginny screamed at the top of her lungs, overcome with joy and relief.

The strawberry blonde boy stumbled out of his small office. It was clear he had been in the middle of sleeping. He couldn't be blamed, however, seeing as it was eleven at night.

"Gin? What's wrong? Is it HERMIONE!" He exclaimed upon seeing his woken sister.

Hunter raced forward and enveloped Hermione in his arms, tears pricking his eyes. They didn't know if she was going to wake. Hermione had a hand on her head as she looked around. A sudden realization dawned on her and she brought her hands to her mouth.

"Ginny! Oh I'm so sorry. I didn't mean any if that. Please don't hate me," She begged.

"How could I ever?" Ginny asked pishing Hunter to the floor, literally, so she could hug Hermione.

"What even happened?" Hermione asked.

"Neville seems to know," Ginny groaned. "I got him to speak a bit. Do you remember what he said on the train? He said you couldn't read the book yet. Yet. I asked him about it and all he said was there was sone prophecy you would fulfill."

"Another prophecy? First Harry has two, and now I have one?" Hermione deadpanned before groaning and throwing herself against the bed.

"Are you feeling okay? No dizziness? Headache? Stomach pains? Nausea?" Hunter rushed worriedly checking her over with various spells.

"I'm fine, Hunter. I promise," Hermione sighed waving him off. "When can I go? I've probably missed a lot of schoolwork."

"Well, technically you're not supposed to leave until Madame Pompfrey can look you over," Hunter said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Please?" Hermione begged giving her brother puppy dog eyes.

"You snuck out while I was sleeping," Hunter grumbled turning around and walking back to his office, most likely to return to his deep slumber.

Ginny helped Hermione out of the bed. The girls slipped through the doors to the hospital wing and down the corridors. Both were silent for a minute before Hermione spoke.

"I'm going to have to read it?"

"I don't know," Ginny sighed, "Neville . . . he won't tell anyone anything. It's like he's some secret keeper in all this."

"Gin, I'm scared," Hermione admitted. "A prophecy? We just finished defeated Voldemort. Why more stress?"

"I don't know. But we're in this together. I solemnly swear I will help you in anyway I can," Ginny promised.

"Thanks Gin. I love you so much," Hermione smiled hugging her friend tightly. The redhead squeezed Hermione back before breaking off.

They walked hand in hand down the corridors towards their common room.

"Ha ha, Draco. Very funny," They heard from around the corner

"I thought it was," Another voice sounded.

"On three?" Ginny whispered.

"On three." Hermione nodded as they hid behind a pillar.

Ginny silently held up one finger as they heard the boys come closer. She switched to two fingers. And then three. Right as she hit three, the boys rounded the corner. Hermione and Ginny jumped out and in front of the boys.

Blaise shrieked and jumped into Draco's arm. The said blonde boy barely managed to catch his Italian friend. He stumbled back from the sudden weight.

"Really Blaise? It's a Mudblood and ginger," He rolled his eyes dropping Blaise to the floor.

"Hello to you too, Malfoy," Ginny grinned.

"Since Granger's here, I'ma go sleep." Blaise decided rubbing his eyes. "Night D."

"Hey, wait! You can't just," Draco cut himself off with a sigh as Blaise left through the portrait hole across the hall, followed closely by Ginny.

"So, um, what do we have to do exactly?" Hermione stuttered.

"Walk the halls until one and send idiots back to their common rooms," Draco grumbled stalking off.

"Right," Hermione mumbled quickly following him.

She didn't blame him for the way he was acting with her. She deserved the coldness for everything she had said. Hermione still wasn't sure why she had said what she did. It was all a blur.

"Malfoy?" She asked.

"What?" He growled.

"I-I just wanted to apologize for my behavior three days ago. I know it's no excuse, but there's this book—"

"Yes, the book that will kill you or drive you insane. Weaslette cried about for hours, I know what it does."

Hermione felt a pain of guilt. She had caused Ginny to cry, which was an almost impossible task. "Right. Um, well I-I read part of it and that . . . outburst seems to be a result of it. I shouldn't make excuses, but I just thought I'd explain what made me say what I said. I'm sorry."

Draco stayed silent, inspecting a blank portrait. Hermione knew he was considering if she was being truthful or not. After a moment he gave a small nod. Hermione would've missed it if it weren't for the fact that she was watching him carefully, waiting for his reaction.

"It doesn't matter. You were right anyways," He said in a low and dangerous voice.

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