Book Cliche: Rant Books

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I'm back!

Anyways, let's talk rant books.

But why rant books? Isn't this after all a rant book?

Yes, but let's talk about the issues of rant books.

For example, some people get super offended in them and flame the writers. They don't like the idea of having something they like so much be questioned.

However this goes both ways. Sometimes the author can be mean, rude, or disrespectful to people who disagree with their views.

Sometimes rant books can become more like an online diary than a book with a message. And that's when they become online journals rather than a book that's meant to be used as a tool.

I think this book is meant to be a "don't-do-this" guide. Then again, I could be wrong, and someone could be offended.

Let's try to be respectful in the comments with one another. Rather tear each other down, isn't it better to build each other up?

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