I hate the Male Charcters

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I hate a lot of them. There are about three in total that I like. All the rest, not so much.

Why do I hate them? Because of Wattpad.

1)They are all 'bad boys'. There are practically no nice guys. There are a few, but their numbers are dwindling.

2) They are full of themselves.  Some confidence is okay. However when you basically act like  you are the best at everything, it's not okay. Try a dose of humility. You aren't the gift to humanity. Stop acting like it.
Author's Note: This is why I hated Jace in The Mortal Instruments Series by Cassandra Clare. That's a rant for another time.

3) They are super possessive. This is because of the freaking werewolves. They need to let the female do her own thing. She isn't property. In a way, they slowly take away the main character's freedom. Also, they rarely let the main character stand up for herself, voice her opinion, and defend herself. He is always to the rescue. (That really bother me.) Apparently, Watt Pad thinks that the main character is a girl, she is helpless and is constant need of rescuing. This is downright wrong. The main character can defend herself!!!!!!!!!

4) Excluding the three well written stories that involve nice guys, the male character and the main character hate each other. It's annoying. Also, too many of these are done poorly.

5) They all have cliched names. Examples include Ryder, Cole, Jacob, Blake, Dylan, etc. (No offense if you are named these. Your name is not cliched. It's when the authors use them too much when is when it's annoying. You are fine. I am not ranting at you. I am ranting at the authors).

So please, STOP BEING CLICHE!!!!!

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