Book Cliche Seven-Revenge Stories

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This was at some point probably not a cliche. But then more and more authors start writing it, copying the same plot, and POOF it's a cliche!

I am talking about the revenge stories? Never heard of the revenge stories? Be glad. Because now, it's written by two out of four authors. Another reason why I dislike them? Because it uses the bad boy cliche also! It's like a buy in get one free sale at Kroger! But it's a read one crappy plot and get another crappy plot with it! Side note: there was one I found that did not use the bad boy! However, I cannot for the life of me, remember the title... Some actually have a read one plot and get three free! That's wonderful, said no one ever! Let's mix four cliches together and get this story!

The main character is always a nerdy girl (STEREOTYPE ALERT!) who is dating the supposed nice guy. This 'nice guy' turns out to be a not nice guy. Basically, he cheats in her with her best friend (Wow! Never saw that one coming, right?). Main character who is good at pretty much everything (MARY SUE ALERT!) runs off crying and never talks to her best friend again. Oh how did she find out? Well either she walked in on them kissing and stuff or the bad boy shows her a video of her boyfriend and her best friend together.

It seems that this plot is determined to break stereotypes by using stereotypes, therefore creating an alternate stereotype. Does that make sense? The author thinks "oh I don't want to be cliched. I can be original if I use the bad boy to ruin this romance. Because the nice guy is actually a mean guy! Oops looks like I just created 5000 more stereotypes. My bad!"

Or the nice guy just dumps her and that's that.

At this point she is separated from the nice guy. Determined to make him jealous and realize what a mistake he has made, she makes a "deal" with the bad boy. They have to act all lovey-dovey in front of the ex. That way the ex will end up realizing what a mistake he has made and want to take her back or something.

Time works it's magic and its four months later. The bad boy has fallen for the MC, but the MC still sees it as part of the deal.

Another month later both have fallen for each other and are dating.

The end (but not of this rant)

The only good thing I see about this genre is that it destroys the Insta-Love.

Of course, there is always an alternate storyline.

Nerdy girl is still the MC. She however is single and going through her daily life. Her male friend, or roommate (which is a discussion for another time) is a Golden Boy (another rant for a different time). He has it all, the looks, the perfect girl friend the brains, the athleticism. He is kind of like a Gary Stu. Moving back on topic, he discover his girl friend is cheating on him. So he goes to the MC and they form a deal where she has to pretend to be his girlfriend to show that he isn't bothered with her breaking up, but he actually is. As time progresses, he slowly falls for the MC. He is like "oh you need to kiss me because she is watching". She kisses him and then notices that she was not in watching, because she wasn't in the room. Shortly after this, they both fall for each other and they date for real.

Never would have guessed that one!

These plots need to be original. Badly.


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