Food is a Necessity- Not A Hobby

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Hello again. I'm writing this in a different time zone than where I usually write.  Also I have officially been on Wattpad for over a year, so that's pretty cool.

When traveling the world of Wattpad, you begin to develop a disdain for certain traits of a character. One of them is when the character talks about how much they love food.

I get it, you like food. But I'm pretty sure we all like it, being a necessity to survive. Saying that you love to eat food is not a personality trait. Billions of other people love food as well. Food isn't a new invention that's super fascinating. I get it, sometimes a certain dish is good, and that's fine. But I start to have a problem when the author writes stuff like:

I bit into the red, juicy apple. Wondrous flavors exploded across my taste buds and graced my mind with happiness. I moaned in pleasure with the taste of the apple. I love food so much. When I was done with the apple, I couldn't help myself  but eat another and felt the deliciousness slide through my body.  I love food so much. Eating is so fun. It should be an Olympic sport.

It's an apple. Get over it.

Furthermore, we all like to eat too. Sorry to burst your bubble, but eating food isn't a hobby that makes you stand out. It isn't even a hobby. It's something you do to survive. Saying a person loves food is kind of like saying a fish loves to be in water. Within titles, they die.

If you are going to say that you love food, you might as well say you love oxygen and breathing.

I took a deep breath of fresh air. The scent of oil and gasoline exploded inside my nose and graced my body with the sweet relief of being alive. I love oxygen and breathing so much. When I was down with one breath, I couldn't help myself but take another breath and felt the process of my lungs using the oxygen and pump through my blood. I love oxygen and so much. Breathing is so fun. It should be an Olympic Sport.

See how ridiculous that sounds?  Breathing and eating is what keeps you alive, not a personality trait or a hobby.

So please, fellow humans and aliens, do not say you love food.

Thank you.

This has been a Public Service Announcement from ayden3937.

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