Chapter 11

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Hola mis patitos, THANK YOU for over 500 reads, over 50 votes, and 10 comments! I've only posted ten chapters, and to already have that many of all of those on my first book is really amazing! I love you guys! Also, I realize this is like two weeks late, so I'm super sorry! I was having major writers block. So this is that bonus chapter that never came. Anyways, I really enjoy reading comments from you guys, but I’m not really getting any :( I’d like to thank @abilyssaxoxo, @SJLanzano, and @Alexandrausjhts for being the only people so far to comment on my story. Love you guys! Also, thanks to all of my followers! I've gotten probably five new ones just this week, which is amazing! Anyways, I would like some comments on chapter 10 (Please! Pretty please!)  about who you guys think the person coming out of the bush is, and also your opinion on something else in or relating to this book. It could be a character, an event, my writing style, the cover, etc. Anything you want to tell me about, I want to hear, good or bad. Since I’m getting at least 20 reads on each chapter, and usually at least four or five votes, i should hopefully get at least three or  four comments! Anyways, here's chapter 11 (the super late bonus chapter I promised)! (Sorry for the long note!)


Chapter 11

Aaron’s POV

When I start following Lara’s scent, I keep getting stopped. Again. And again. And again. A bunch of my old bed warmers kept telling me I had to “defend their dignity” or something. Seriously, you don’t have any dignity if you are willing to sleep with anything remotely resembling their definition of hot.

They’d probably sleep with a stove if it was possible, just because stoves get called hot all the time. I swear, those girls have stilettos in their heads poking more holes in their brains every day. All the important parts of their brains just leaking out bit by bit, while the useless stuff is somehow held in. Stuff like how to apply make-up, or how to make their outfits as slutty as possible, how to stuff their bras properly, and all that garbage.

I only slept with them because they were easy. I would only go for girls with brains if I was looking for someone to date or become serious with. The Moon Goddess clearly understood when she set me up with Lara.

But now you’ve messed that up, you moron. My wolf, Darren, oh-so-kindly informed me.

Well, that can’t possibly be the only reason, right?

Well maybe it isn’t, but every mistake you make still puts us further away from our mate. He states in annoyance.

Don’t forget that you’re a part of me, you overgrown dog. I insult him. He stops talking to me after that.

Well, since those bimbos made me lose Lara’s scent, I guess I can check up on the information the principal got for me.

“Mr. Green, what do you have for me?” I ask, barging into his office. He looks up with a jolt, banging his head on the filing cabinet he was digging through.

“Quite honestly, I have next to nothing. I have no idea how this girl even managed to get enrolled into school, considering that every single file we have on her is completely fake. Her birth certificate is fake, her ‘old schools’ have never heard of her, and I’m guessing all of her old grades were made up, judging by how she’s doing here.” He says, while frowning and glancing through more papers. “I honestly have no idea who even checked her into this school. There isn’t even the sheet of information the secretary usually fills out.” He calls all three secretaries in, and questions them, but none of them remember checking in any girls by the name of Lara Smith this past summer. One of them remembers giving Lara her information packet on the first day, but other than that, nada.

One of them actually has a really good thought after the situation is explained to them, except for one part. Two of them are werewolves, so at this point, we tell the human secretary that someone needs to man the front desk, so she goes back out. The smart werewolf secretary, I think her name is Ms. Hill, says “What if her old schools and old grades aren’t faked, but she’s actually telling the truth, and maybe using different names and ages and doing differently at each school so she can’t be found? I had a friend who was in witness protection, and that happened to her children. If so, we really should stop investigating this girl and leave her be. We could be endangering her if we call all her old schools.”

My wolf growls at the thought of our mate in danger, while I growl at the thought of giving up on finding information on our mate. “We have to think like alphas here, and realize that since she is a rogue, all of this is very suspicious, and we can’t just ignore it. We just have to be sneakier about our digging than we usually would in case that is actually the truth.”

I hear three gasps, and mentally face palm myself. No one except me knew that she was a rogue until now, thanks to my idiocy. “I order none of you to repeat any of this outside of this room without my permission. Also, no acting in a suspicious manner.” There. That’ll take care of that.

“But alpha-“I cut off the other secretary immediately.

“If she is doing something that makes you feel unsafe, contact me and I will either come or tell you what to do to stay safe. Under no circumstance is she to be harmed. NONE!” I shout, to get my point across.

“Yes alpha.” They all murmur while bowing their heads, hoping to placate my wolf by showing submission and respect.

“Good. Thank you for your time. Report anything to me, and if you research her, doing it carefully and erase all evidence afterwards.”

“Yes alpha, good day alpha.” They say, like a bunch of robots. It’s a little creepy, but I’m used to it at this point.

As I walk back into the now deserted hallways, I mind-link my friends to see if they wanna hang out and talk. This is a matter my beta and third-in-command need to discuss in depth, more than just for a few minutes like we did earlier. They both say that they’ll meet me under a favorite meeting place of ours soon.

We are allowed to skip out of school whenever we want, and all the teachers know it, even if the human ones don’t like it, so they shouldn’t get in trouble for leaving and missing class, just like I won’t.

I hope that they can come up with some new ideas and perspectives on the tangle of problems Lara has brought into my life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2014 ⏰

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