Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Zara’s POV

I don’t know what had gotten into Misty that she gave me enough confidence to talk back to everyone out loud, and not just in my thoughts, but whatever had gotten into her had just escaped again. I stood up and looked nervously around, feeling my heart speed up and start beating erratically. I start shaking from the nerves, and then I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, muttered a “not interested,” and sat down again, wiping my sweaty palms on my shorts. I heard a low growl, but ignored it. The rest of the class moaned at the fact that I didn’t have another sassy comeback, but that was mostly Misty talking, not me.

Adam’s a human, so he looked a little confused when he heard the growl, but shrugged it off and went back to dozing. After that fiasco, I looked around, realizing that Ashlynn hadn’t stuck her nose in my business or tried to trip me today, but I saw that she wasn’t here. I shrugged it off and doodled for the rest of class, and when we were dismissed, I shot out of the room, glad to escape the increasing tension and headed to my new math class. I hope the teacher is okay.


When I walk in, a young, perky woman with black hair and light brown eyes looks up from her book and says, “You must be my new student, Lara. Welcome to GT math!”

I smile awkwardly and stand there fidgeting until she tells me to pick a seat. I sit in the back corner near the window, so I can read or doodle during class, or just gaze out the window. The teacher mentioned me for a second at the beginning, and the class all looked at me with interest, since most of them weren’t in any of my classes before, except maybe a few people in the band, and then she went back to teaching. I found out by looking around the classroom and paying attention to some conversations going on around me that her name was Ms. Stella. She seemed like a good teacher, and most people seemed engaged in what was going on, but I could never make myself stay interested in math class even if my life depended on it.

After math, I headed to the band room. When I got there, I immediately went over to Melissa and asked her about my French horn. I was concerned because it was a school instrument since I obviously couldn’t afford a thousand dollar instrument, what with my totally money-making job and such.

“Don’t worry,” she assured me. “No water got on it or anything, so it’s fine. I am sorry that I didn’t warn you in time, though. I noticed you weren’t in Spanish, Science, English, or study hall after the incident. Were you okay? I know that some of the kids in our class can be,” she leaned in really close and whispered in my ear, “real asswipes.”

For some reason, that made me laugh extremely hard, maybe it was the way she said it, or maybe I was just exhausted, but whatever it was, I sat there laughing for a good five minutes. “I was fine!” I managed to gasp out during my laugh attack. People were looking at me, but I was too distracted to care. Ms. Little finally came in and told us to start warming up, and Melissa and I didn’t talk for the rest of class, although whenever I looked at her, I’d crack a smile.


At lunch, I decided to sit in the small garden my school has, but as I was heading to the door of the cafeteria after buying my lunch, none other than Aaron walked in, with his arm around a werewolf named Janna. She was ok to me, but she was definitely part of the “in” crowd. Misty howled in pain at the sight of Aaron with another she-wolf, and I winced from the loud sound in my head. Aaron looked at me in concern, but I glared at him and walked out of the cafeteria with my head held high, while inside I was crying out.

I knew that I didn’t want a mate, but it would have been nice for him to tell me he didn’t want one either. Just because I didn’t want one, didn’t mean that Misty also didn’t want one. She understood why we couldn’t have a mate, but she was definitely hoping that he would at least make an effort with us, even if the efforts were all pointless. I guess he didn’t care about us enough.

As I was chewing on a handful of edamame, sunflower, and chia seeds mixed together, I heard the door to the garden open, and then Misty started shifting around inside my head. “Janna’s my cousin, you know. Nothing to be jealous about.” A deep voice said in amusement.

“I wasn’t jealous.” I retorted oh-so brilliantly.

“Sure, darling.” He said.

“What happened to you never talking to me again?” I asked, referring to our conversation in social studies.

“You can’t expect me to not talk to my own mate, can you?” he asked with a laughing tone to his voice.

“Well, considering the fact that I don’t want a mate, I was hoping you would, in fact, not talk to me again.” I snapped back. Misty whimpered, but then I reminded her of our past, and she shut up.

His eyes widened in shock and pain, before they narrowed and he smirked. “Sweetheart, I believe you’ve just given me a challenge. And my wolf and I sure do love a challenge. Mark my word; you will be mine by the end of the month.”

“Well, considering how competitive I am, you basically made it a fact that I won’t be with you for at least a month, and the fact that you’re a manwhore just made me ten times less likely to get with you at all anyways. Do you know how much it hurts my wolf to know you’ve been with so many people? And anything that hurts my wolf hurts me too. Just think about that, and then try and understand one of many reasons why I don’t want to be with you.” My voice cracked while I was talking, and my eyesight started getting blurry. I saw him reach his hand out, and I flinched away, used to people hurting me, and I wouldn’t want him to touch me anyways. I blink away the tears and see the pain in his eyes, before I grab my stuff and run to Spanish.

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