Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

As soon as she said that, I shot out of his arms, dropping a couple of sheets of paper in the process, and bolted out the door and into the woods. I needed to get to some water, and fast!

You see, a little water causes any scent disguise to go away, like perfume, but a lot of water is like its own scent disguiser. As soon as I run or swim through a body of water, I can head back to my current “house” for more perfume. As I’m running, I hear a loud, anguished howl released into the sky, and I shiver.

Since I’m sure his wolf is far healthier than mine, he probably feels the effects of mate separation more than I do. Whenever my dad had to go somewhere for work, my mom would get really anxious and howl a lot. That’s what I'm guessing is going on with him.

After splashing through a creek, I get out on the other side and turn to the left to start heading home. As long as the dude doesn’t tell anyone that I’m a wolf, I should be fine

Now that I think about it, I don’t think I've seen him at school before. I wonder . . . No. he can’t be that Aaron guy. Right?

“Ugh!” I groan into my hands as I walk. If it’s that player, then this whole state can kiss me good-bye. I’m not staying anywhere near a player, especially if that player is my mate.

Oh well. At least if he’s my mate then no girl will have to suffer the heartbreak of an impure mate because I honestly couldn’t care less. It’s not as if I plan on being with him, so he can go have fun in as many janitors’ closets as he wants with as many girls as he wants.

When I get back to my shack, I look around. It’s a small dilapidated little thing, probably ten feet by ten feet. There’s only one window that’s a little cracked, and the door is barely hanging onto its hinges. My sleeping bag is lying on the floor with the blanket and pillow lying across it since I didn’t have time this morning to roll it up like I usually would. I also have a bag filled with everything I need, so I can run away quickly if necessary. I have some clothes, toiletries, a few pictures, and a couple little trinkets from my childhood as well as food, money, and other, more feminine, necessities.

It’s boring and almost empty, but it’s home. Without it, I would have nothing.

I spritz on some of my perfume, make certain to put the bottle in my school bag, and then contemplate how I can convince my mate to leave me alone, and keep my secret at the same time.

Why do you want to avoid him? Lily asks in a sad whisper.

Lily, you know how our life has been and still is. Do you want to throw a mate in there? I don’t want a mate, and even though you want a mate, you also want to protect him instinctively. Considering how dangerous our life is, do you want our mate involved in that? I ask Lily, sure that I can convince her to forget about him.

You're right. She mutters back, and then goes to the back of my mind, clearly exhausted from that short conversation.

I go to sleep that night, worrying over this new, and enormous, problem. I hope he decides that he doesn’t want to go to school tomorrow. I really don’t know what to say to him yet. If he shows up, who knows what could happen?

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