Chapter 10

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Hola mis patitos! As I've been writing this, I've been noticing that the further along I get in the story, the harder it is to keep track of the minor details such as which class comes after band, etc. so if you notice any discrepancies within my writing, I encourage you to please point them out! Also, I’m kind of a grammar freak, but if I do miss anything or repeat certain words a lot, again, please feel free to point things out!


Chapter 10

Zara’s POV

As I run to my science classroom, I see Aaron’s friend, Zach, heading my way.

When I notice him, I turn around and run straight into the chest of another person. After looking up, way up, I can see a pair of blue eyes crinkling as they look down on me through black hair. It’s Aaron’s other friend, Samuel. He grabs me around the waist and lifts me up, and I freeze in shock and fear.

“Sam, man, nice catch!”

“Thanks, bro. you sent her right to me! Aaron will be happy to know that we’ve got her.”

That jolts me out of my current state, and I beg Misty to help me get out of this. She’s just as frightened as I am, but she can handle her fear better and channel it into energy that is usable.

She takes slight control of my actions, with me still able to stop her at any time. That probably caused my green eyes to darken a little, but people will probably chalk it up to a trick of light. If Misty was stronger, she could have taken over completely with very little difficulty and caused my eyes to turn black, but she hasn’t been that strong in years.

Using my right leg, she knees Samuel right in his family jewels, and then does a miraculous and powerful left hook right into Zach’s jaw. I heard something crack over the sound of Samuel’s groans, and I say, We better get out of here, and fast!

I can already see Samuel starting to straighten up, so I make a quick decision to skip the rest of the day, something I never would have dreamed of doing before, especially two days in a row.


Once I’m in the woods, I slow down to a walk, holding my side and breathing heavily. I’ve always felt that nature had a calming effect on me, and today was no different. As I walk, I’m reminded of the time my parents found me, when I was living in Oregon, and nature warned me of their presence before my very dulled wolf senses could.

As I walked towards the abandoned treehouse I was currently living in, I noticed that the trees had a more menacing quality than usual. Most days, walking home from school was when I was most relaxed, but today the forest felt dark and dangerous.

When I got to the bottom of the ladder, I noticed mud on the ladder. I knew it wasn’t mud from my shoes, because a) it had rained while I was at school today for the first time in a week, and b) I always make sure to clean off my shoes anyways so if people came by, the treehouse would still appear abandoned at a glance.

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