Chapter 5

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Just a warning, there is going be cursing whenever I’m in Aaron’s POV. I don’t personally curse, but I think it’s a necessary addition for his POV. I will not put full words in if I think they are particularly offensive, but I’m not gonna blank out every word because that might end up being a lot. Idk yet. Just a warning. Also, THANKS FOR OVER 100 READS!!!!!!! YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING!!!!!!

Hi guys! My friend found this chapter *****GRAPHIC*****, so I just wanted to add a *****WARNING***** to this author's note. The graphic part is in the flashback in case anyone wants to avoid it, but it is sorta a major part, so I wouldn't advise skipping it entirely. Also, that weird bolded and starred thingy of "graphic" and "warning" was for people who tend to skip author's notes. Okay bye.


Chapter 5

Aaron’s POV

Damn, I don’t even know her name, yet I would already do anything for her. That being said, I've already cancelled my night with Ashlyn, tomorrow night with Leah, and the day after that with Anna. All three of them are humans, so they wouldn’t understand the whole “mate” thing. They will just think I'm an asshole, which is often true, but that is all changing starting now.

The only reason I ever slept with those sluts is because being alpha of a pack at only 17 almost 18 is a lot of pressure, especially because tons of packs, and rogues, all think that we would make an easy target.

Ha. Like I would be lax on security after what happened last year. They wish. I just use the girls to get some of my stress and frustration out. I tell all of them that they are being used, but I think for most of them it goes in one ear and out the other.

After my mate shot out of my arms, I noticed that she had dropped a couple papers on the ground. I picked them up, took a sniff of them, and then stiffened. The smell of wet wolf was most prominent, but there was also the smell of a distinct type of wolf.

She was a rogue.

From the strong tangy smell, it seems like she’s been a rogue most, if not all of her life. I can also smell that delicious scent that has been torturing me all day. It was a sweet but spicy smell, like cinnamon and raspberries, and a little bit nature-y, like fresh rain. All of that was tainted by perfume, however.

The perfume makes me suspicious. What reason would a rogue have to hide their identity? Only because of the mate bond would anyone be able to smell her true scent through the perfume. This can make rogues a serious threat, especially if they manage to infiltrate our land without us realizing it. I better watch her twice as closely as I was planning on doing anyways.

During all of my thinking, she had time to get away. I tried following her scent, but her trail was erratic, and it smelled like she was zigging and zagging and back-tracking to hide her scent. It certainly worked. I display the anguish me and my wolf, Jay, are feeling in a long howl.

I don’t actually shift, but some of the parts inside of me shifted enough for me to make that long, drawn-out noise. All of the wolves in the school come running out, alert and looking for danger. The last time I made that noise, well, it was last year on the worst day of my life.


As I walked home from school, I suddenly heard the urgent howls of the patrol along the southern border of our territory. That was the area my parents usually took since it was on the border near the rogue “territory.” Basically, the place where rogues could live, and plot, in peace, as declared by werewolf laws put in place years ago. Seeing as the school was in the land to the west of that area and south of my territory, I was fairly close. I shed my things and shifted, not caring about the outfit I just ruined. As I ran through the trees, I could hear howls of pain and rage. Probably as mates died or were injured. Then, one howl stood out when I was only yards from the battle.

Against The Alpha- ON HOLD :(Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ