Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

As I walk into the band room, I'm met with a delicious smell, like walking into a sweet shop or bakery. I only catch it for a second, but that second is enough. My mouth starts watering, and all I want to do is catch another whiff of that deliciousness.

I wonder if it’s someone like me. I use perfume to hide my scent after once being chased by a group of werewolves who wouldn’t stop snarling about “rogues” and “their territory” and “protect the pack.” Talk about confusing! But I learned that perfume makes it harder to identify wolves vs. humans. I wonder what perfume that person was using? I've never smelled anything so strong or delicious.

During band, I keep hearing whispers of someone named Aaron, and how he actually showed up to school today, how hot he is, and how all the girls want to sleep or already have slept with him, even the quietest girls and a gay guy are talking about waning to get with him.

I HATE players. They disgust me. Just because I don’t believe in love, I also believe that sleeping around is immoral and rude, especially as a werewolf. I may not want a mate, but many girls treasure the idea of a mate, and the fact that their mate saved themselves for her. His mate is certainly gonna be disappointed.

Considering that this is a class where you need to use your mouth for something other than talking, there sure is a lot of talking going on. I’m pretty sure the band director, Ms. Little, was even adding in her two cents. Definitely a cougar. She’s thirty! Oh well. Who am I to judge someone? I know how painful it is to be judged, so I try to avoid it, unless I feel very strongly about something. That includes manwh*res.

As I was chatting with Melissa, a quiet girl who plays the oboe, she suddenly stared with shock at something behind me and looked like she was about to say something, but before she could, someone poured a bunch of ice water all over me. I shot out of my seat, hurriedly handed Melissa my French horn, and rushed out of the door, juggling all of my soggy papers and book bag while jogging to the nearest bathroom. I caught another whiff of that enticing scent, but was too concerned about my perfume getting washed off to notice it.

At this school, I'm pretty sure everyone still thinks I’m a human. I prefer it that way, because my parents somehow manage to get rogue reports as well. I don’t see why they bother chasing after me. My dad obviously hates me and my mom just doesn’t care. Yet despite that, they put so much effort into finding me again and again. Maybe it’s just a sadistic game for them.

When I get to the bathroom, I shut and lock the door. I slide down the wall until I’m sitting, and dig around in my bag to find my perfume. My panic mounts as my hand grasps blindly at objects in my bag and still doesn’t come across the smooth, round bottle filled with my main hope to be able to stay in this town. I press my fists against my eyes as I can feel them prick with unshed tears of frustration.

I slam my fist onto the ground, then slowly gather up my things, and decide to skip out on the rest of school today. The old me wouldn’t have dared skip a second of class even to go to the bathroom, so missing most of a day of school will definitely protect me from my parents.

I slink out of the bathroom and head towards the back doors of the school. When I see a clock and notice there’s only seven minutes until second period ends, I start a light jog through the halls, ignoring any curious glances I get, either from my jog through the halls, my sopping hair and outfit, or maybe my scent. I hope it’s not the last one, or I’m in trouble. As I turn the corner and see the doors, I smell that delicious scent again, and it intensifies until it's overpowering. At that moment, someone comes out of a side hallway and slams into me. I stumble to the side, but as I’m about to fall, two warm arms shoot out and grab my arm and waist.

I feel tingles on my arm, and as I look past a slightly crooked nose and into two deep pools of gooey dark chocolate, my wolf surfaces for the first time in months to murmur one word,


Oh no.

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