Trinity eyes locked with mines as she brushed her way through the crowd. Her hair extensions were now streaked with honey blond highlights. She wore a two piece outfit, that showed her figure off with her white Louis V heels.

My baby was really killing shit. I pulled her into my embrace, placing a kiss on her cheek.

"You showing out" I whisper causing her to blush and push me away from her

"Oou bitch" Herb snapped his fingers at Trinity choice of outfit

"Never thought she had it in her" Ariana chuckles

She was right bout that. Trinity never showed skin the way she was showing it tonight. It was always cute and simply for her. But tonight it was like she was making a statement for somebody.

I sat back in my spot, watching Trinity and Ariana dance to the music. Herb on the other hand was facing another blunt. It was pretty obvious that he had the jitters. We've done this before, so it was normal to me.

Melody came over, letting us know we were up in 10. I glanced at Trinity who was enjoying herself with the help of Ariana and the bottle girls.

"Slow down on the liq baby" I chuckle as she was passed another shot glass filled with whatever liquor

She gave me a thumbs up and down her shot. I followed behind Herb who was leading the way to the stage. Melody wrapped her announcement, passing the mic to the DJ. Kill Sh*t beat filled the speakers, mixing with another beat before playing out all the way.

"Just go head and rip that shit?" Herb looked at me with a sly smirk

"Ima clean it up" I chuckle dabbing him

After Kill Sh*t we had the entire club in the zone. Herb performed one of the new songs that he was working out. I wrapped up my last verse of Doin'Hits, letting the beat play out. The DJ gave us a shout out as we passed Melody our Mics. Melody led us to the other side of the club for pictures.



I glanced up from my Macbook, noticing Killa was now on the slide. Here I was on Auntie Duties while doing review for a major test. Every other week we were giving a test on what we learned in the past two weeks. And this was one I had to really study for.

"Excuse me" I looked up seeing Tamia

"What?" She was taken back by my response, but I could careless

"You have minute?" I scoff as she stares at me for a response

"No" I shut my MacBook, packing it into my backpack that held Killa extra clothes and snacks

"I just want to talk" She sighs as I stand to my feet

"You've done enough" I shake my head "You and Aliyah need to stay away from me"

I left her there to go grab Killa from the slides. He climbed down the steps, latching onto my leg. I picked him up, receiving kisses from him.

"Hungry?" I asked him

"Mhm" He snuggles into my neck

I pulled out my keys unlocking the doors, placing Killa on the ground. He pulled at the door, opening it while I placed the backpack in on the floor. After strapping him in, I made my way to the driver side.

- meet us at philly's best 😚 -sent 3:33pm

I exited out my messages, putting on Netflix for Killa. I passed him my phone before backing out. We had a 20-30 minute ride ahead of us. My music played lowly as Mickey Mouse voice filled the car also.

I made a sharp right, getting on the interstate. There just so happened to be a traffic jam. I huffed and relaxed in my seat, this was going to take a minute. Traffic soon lightened up once I passed the scene of the accident.

Just as I switched lanes, a white Dodge Challenger switched with me staying on my tail. I sped up just for them to sped up too. Once again I sped up, switching lanes to the far right. Whoever was driving happened to get stuck in the left lane.

I reached my exit getting off, seeing the car again. Why was this person following me? I glanced at Killa seeing he was wrapped into Mickey.

"Hello.." Killa had now answered my phone

Bibby voice soon filled the speakers. We were 10 minutes away and he was already there. George voice was heard in the background as he talked to Killa. The challenger was now beside me, matching my speed.

The driver cut over, bumping my car causing me to swerve and lose control of my wheel. I tried pressing my brakes but they didn't work. So I grabbed my emergency brakes, causing me to slide into a ditch and hit the light pole.

All I remember is Killa screaming and everything going black.

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