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Adrianna stands watching as Chris growls at her inside the cell he's kept. Adrianna had layered it with her essence so that he wouldn't be able to break out of it. He'd probably realized that after a huge amount of attempts to force his way out using brute force.

She, too, has given up on trying to retract the poison out of him. Whatever Blaxton did, Chris wouldn't normalize even if Blaxton was unconscious, just like Heloise.

Adrianna can see his energy being drained faster and his angry snarl fading. It scares her-not knowing the outcome, the cure, and the time they have left. Her thoughts are a jumbled mess, but they are centered around him. Nothing matters more than him now.

'Still can't figure it out?' Cresca, as she's learnt on the way to the room Chris is guarded in, speaks up.

"Don't you have an idea about it?" Adrianna mutters numbly.

'You control blood pretty well and... well...' Cresca trails off. 'You have what you think you have, and you can do what you think you can do.'

"But how?"

'If Blaxton put his dirty blood in the poison then maybe you can destroy his blood?' Cresca says, somehow ending it in the form of a question.

"The cursed thing bites back twofold and drains our energy." Adrianna replies.

'Do I have to repeat myself? Your problem is your lack of faith in your potential. That's why your sisters' gifts always seem stronger to you!' Cresca growls in displease. 'Inject your blood into his veins and counter the poison. Think of it like that.'

Adrianna frowns, "You're sure it'll-"

'Just do it!' Cresca snaps, snagging the control to rip Adrianna's aura out.

Adrianna closes her eyes though she's irritated by Cresca's pushy and impatient demeanor. Instead of her inner wolf, she's more like Heloise's or maybe even a mini Heloise living inside of her.

One Heloise is enough.


Adrianna takes a deep breath, remembering that it's all for Chris. Her blood goes through the wall of her veins and seeps into Chris's wrist through the loose vine that's attached to it, linking both of their wrists.

Adrianna scans his frame, trying to pinpoint the location of the source. She finds a dark red ball with a navy shadow beating inside him.

She starts feeling hot, sweat dripping down the sides of her head. She keeps on pulling and trying to diminish the negative energy she's battling with. She clears her mind till all that's left is the dark core and her own essence.

At one point, the temperature drops and she feels extreme coldness, her teeth almost chattering due to the chilly feeling crawling over her insides, and then... nothing.

She tunes back into the present and finds Chris's body lying in the middle of her cage. She disperses the enclosure and rushes to his side, shaking him gently.

"Chris, Chris!" She tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear, cupping his cheeks and transferring her warmth to heat him up.

His body is almost as cold as a corpse.

'Did I fail?'

'No. The only failure known to the lunaous kind is failing to see your own potential.' Cresca asserts before her presence dims as she goes back into the deepest part of Adrianna's heart.

His eyelashes start to quiver and Adrianna waits with bated breath as his eyelids lift up, revealing his silver eyes that she loves so much. He grunts as he tries to sit up and Adrianna immediately launches herself onto him, wrapping her arms around him tightly like he'd evaporate if she didn't do so.

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