fate, yet??

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This is the first day of the job, as a server at Starbucks. Actually I felt really nervous about it, but excited at the same time. What if I spill Cappuccino on the costumer??or break a bunch of glass, just because my too much clumsiness?? And they'll fire me. My life is O-V-E-R, over.

   Never gonna happen!!!

My life is already in a mess.....a very very big mess.
But somehow, I still thinking about Liam. Why can't I be happy for more than 1 week, for once.

  Why there's always some distraction, which ruining my happiness??..... The question is why??

Don't you see?? The devil inside me just ruined an innocent guy life, with my dirty-mouth, dirty-heart and crazy-slap.

SO EVIL......!!!

My life changes so much in these few day. I'm just an ordinary girl. I feel alone, lonely. No one needs me, only two bestie. Nothing goes according to my wishes. I want to receive some warmth from people around me. I want someone to take care my heart, don't want my life to be wither.

  I want a pinky life!!!

But my heart warm, whenever I'm around him. He made me experience the sweetness in life, of having someone to care about you...
   Having an argument with you!!

Arguing with him, is the best feeling ever (in a good ways). And the best part is....

   I got a kiss whenever we fight!!!

Not that I love him. But If you ever thought that I got a feeling for him, you thought wrong. Please I donnot have a crush on him.

But I like him so so much. I like his kiss. I like that he's always ran into my life. I like that we fight everytime we met. I like when he convinced me to believe in 'fate'. I like that he didn't defense himself or yelling back at me, at that day when I said that 'he lied to me', but he kept silent and let me discovered his honesty on my own. I like the way he's smiling or smirking at me. I like that he made me felt special. I like that he nicknamed me as 'Apple pie'. I like that he made me like him, even though we're always fight. I like that he's an arrogant dude from the outside, but the white knight from his heart. I like to know that he's liking me too.

  I like that I like him.

Just remember, Jess!! If you and him is really 'fate' you'll see him again.

But ughh!! I have really low probability (10%), that I got a chance to see him again. We met in NYC. And here I am in Los Angeles.....hundreds miles away.

Whatever!!! If we don't see each other again. I also don't know how am I supposed to face him, either.

Ahhem!! Enough for me to day dreaming. Let's just head to work. I might be late.

8 AM, Starbucks 5757 Wilshire Blvd #106, Los Angeles, CA 90036, USA.......

The cab arrived in time, at the given location. I felt nervous again. Am I gonna fit in?? What if people being rude to me and I can't control my bad-temper self??

No!!! I know I can do everything. I might not bad as I thought, maybe.

Just 'have courage and be kind' like 'Cinderella's mom' said.

Inhale Exhale.I'm so ready!!!

As I walked in the café, my eyes scanning around the place. There's not much costumers here, since it's an early morning. And the other employees or my new colleagues are busy preparing for the fresh start. As I walking inside the shop, one of the counter server greeting as if I'm a costumer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2018 ⏰

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