We meet again

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We're running back to the hotel, while both my friends discussing about 'to continue heading to rooftop bar'. But I can't concentrate with them, cuz my head still thinking about that Bastard and his unexpected kiss.
OMG!! What have he done to me??
'Okay! Jess you can do this...try to forget about him. There's too many people here in NYC, you're not gonna meet him ever again' I told myself without saying it out loud. Just then I'm being interrupted and back to the reality by my bestie voice. "Mss.Jessica!! Back on earth dear" Alex calling with her's waving paw infront of my face. "Okay Okay!! I'm back" I said then release one big breath. "What's a breath?? Are you okay, Jess??" Shelby asked we with worried. "Of coures, I'm okay. It's just....." my voice goes low. The truth is...I'm not okay and speechless. I mean, How can you be okay when stranger just come and kiss you??. I tried to faked my emotion. With Alex studying my face, so I look to the ground to hide my face. "You're thinking of the kiss, aren't you??"Alex said. I faced up and see both Shelby and Alex giving me the evil-smile. "What???" I gave them the innocent looks. "Probably, the owner's of the kiss. And looks she's blusing" Shelby added. I covered my cheeks with shyness. "Oooooooooooooo!!" They both make the sound to teasing me. What???That bastard?? Why should I be thinking about him?? I mean, yes I am but it's not like that.
"No!!! Stop it. It's nothing like you guy thinking" I defense myself.
"So it's more than what we're thinking??" Alex snapped left me speechless then they started oo-ing again, which annoyed me. Then I have an idea "If you guy don't stop, I swore i won't join you guy to the bar. Plus, I'm gonna texts both Mrs.Simpson and Mrs.Ducas about you guy going to the bar. I warning you" I said folding my arm to my chest and raise an eyebrow. They both remain silent with unexpected-face. "They'll love to hear this story" I continued. I know they both will beg me, cuz I heard that they really wanted to go to the bar since our parents didn't allows us. Plus, this is the only chance. "Alright Alright,We're stop. Let's just go!!" Alex said with gesture. "Excellent choice" I tease with the succeed-smile. I can see they're rolling their eye with smile then guiding me to elevator with both of them walking aside me.
10 o'clock AM, 'The Queen' Bar.....
  As we arrived up here, I started to feel cold on the edge of my finger and foot. This place is cozy but dark only a bit of light from the night light and moon light.
I just can't imagine if a couple having their date up here.
  So romantic!!!
My eye scanning around the bar, only about 30 people up here. "C'mon girls! Let's go grab some drinks" Alex guiding us to the sit infront of the bartender. "Ladies!!What can I serve you??" the bartender spoke through his French accent. I'm impressed. He's show us the menu.  No!! We're never been to any bar before, how would we possibly know what to order??We three making the awkward eye contact. Alex look at me, raising her eyebrow like she's trying to tell me to 'do something and not to embarrassing ourself'. So, I come up with an idea of playing it cool. "Hmmmm...What's good here??". Shelby and Alex release a sighed of relief. "Martini, Miss" the bartender asked me with a smile. "Okay!! We'll have that 3 please" I said. He's start to noted what I said. "'Vodka' or 'Gin', Miss"?? He's continue. Jackpot!! Just like what I've planned. "Of course 'Gin' and 'wet' I want more 'Vermouth' " I answer professionally cause both my friends mouth dropped open. Can't believe it ,right??. "Great choice, Miss" then he's offers me the winks. I just smile in reply. As the bartender gone Shelby and Alex move closer to me. "Holy...Jess!! How do you know anything about that??" Alex curious. "I googled it" I answer trying to be cool. "What??? You do the research?But When??" Shelby said with her face rest on Alex shoulder. "Yeah!! I did the research. right before we were here in NYC" I explained them with gesture and continues "I know it's will happening. Plus I don't want to embarrassing myself, just because not knowing what to order in the bar". They both nodded of understanding. "OMG!!! Jess I am so proud of you. You've safe us" Alex and Shelby clapped her hand. We're all laughing but the laugh interrupted by Shelby voice. "But wait!! What kind of questions did you used to do the research??"Shelby asked me. Wtf!! This is crazy. I don't expect one of them to asked this question. They'll laughing at me if I told them that I used that crazy question. But I can't just lied to them, I just can't. "Hmmm....I typed 'How to order drink at the bar without embarrassing yourself' " then they started laughing out loud. "OMG!!! Jess you're so clumsy" Alex said still laughing. "Alright Alright. At least my clumsiness saved someone life" I said with my smile. "Wet-Martinis, my Ladies" the same bartender places our drinks infront each of us with smile. I already smell it bitterness. "Enjoys" He's winks at me again, maybe because I'm had more conversation with him then my friends. "Thanks!!!" We're reply at the same time then he's gone. "These are beautiful!!" Shelby comments as she's pulled out her phone and take a photo of it, probably for her blog. We're nodded agree with her. "Now, Now. Let's taste what Ms.Clumsy ordered for us" Alex said and we started to sipping our drinks. I impressed by it taste, not as bitter as it smelt. I already felt the spark. The word 'Spark' just remind me of...
It's doesn't mean that I felt spark when he kissing me but....Yes it does have a spark. Oh no!!! What am I just thinking. I can't let my friends know about this. Just then I started to feel cold again( since I'm wearing short), so I hug myself to prevent coldness. It does work. After a few minute later, I told my friends, that we should get to the hotel room. Because we all felt tired from the flighted, this morning. They're all agree then Alex pay the bills .We're climbing off the chairs, grab our bags and on our feet. As we're heading to the exit, we're suddenly interrupted by someone. "Hey! Alex" similar voice I heard earlier. "Leo!!!" Alex replied right before I turn around, couldn't believe what I see. Alex and the smile-guy from Coney island, hugging and greeting each other. He's must be Leo, but when the hell they know each other? As I move my eye away from them, my eye suddenly caught with something.
    Mr-jerk aka Bastard!!!
He's here too. Sitting on the chair behind there, his blue-eye scanning on me with a smirk on his face "We're meet again!!" He's wink. The wink send me goosebump. "You again??" I yelled of unexpectation. "Yes, I am. Missing me already??" Now he walking toward my direction, made me shiver but stand still. "Missing you?? Huhh you wish!!" I snapped. Now he arrived infront of me. So, I folding my hand to my chest and making eye contact with him. "Guys!! Let me introduce....." Alex said to but I cut knew what she trying to say. "Shhhh...shush!!" I cut her, put my index-finger on Alex mouth, so she's remain silent. I folding my hand to the chest again and turn my face up to look at him cuz he's so much taller than me. "I don't wanna know him. But I want to know what is he doing here??" I said putting on my serious looks. I see Leo tried to say something but Mr-jerks stopped him. Then Mr-jerks step forward me, smirk on his face again. Like his job is to Smirk, smirk and smirk all days. "Maybe fate brought me here, to see you". Fate?? Like arguing all the time? What's made he said that?. "Fate??? Why would fate bring me to see someone like you??" I said. This guy is unbelievable. "Someone like me?? Like what?? Handsome, Attractive, Kind, Cool, Rich....Isn't it enough???" He's said putting his hand into his jean pocket. "Yeah!! I totally agree" Alex yelled clapping her hand. I give her an evil-looks, so she's settle down. "Good taste of you, Alex" Said Mr.jerk to Alex. Alex with her awkward smile looking at me. Probably think that I'm going to be mad at her, but I'm clearly not. I fake-smile at him. "Speechless??" He's interrupting me with he's on-point question. I'm really am speechless. So I just play it cool. "Ah ah, Don't changes topic. Just answer my question. What are you doing here??" I said with my very serious-look.
    "I own this place" He's said with coolness. "What???" My mouth drop opened. Ok!!! I finally think NYC is really is small. how can I runs into the guys two time just in 2h?? And now he's own the hotel Mrs. Simpson booked for us. "And??" He's leaning very close to me send me blushing, like an idiot. I look around myself, it's only us two. Where the hell is my friends?? Such a good friends, leaving me alone in trouble. I look back at him. Awww...his blue eye, really blue contacting through mine. Hold on!! There's no time for me to flattering. Look!! His nose almost touch mine. Do something!!! I push him away as fast as I can. When we're finally break a part, I on my feet started to run to the door. Now he's laughing at me "Don't let the door hit you through the way out, Miss" He's shoot me still laughing. I ignore him and keep running back to the room without waiting for my friends.
   Erkkkk..!! I hate him. Such an asshole, spoiled little rich kid.
......................☆♡☆...................  Make sure to catch up with the next chapter if you like . And please kindly voted to this chapter. Next update: No sure. :)

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