Chapter 5

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Donnie and I walked into the living room hand in hand. I had asked him not to leave; I didn't think I could face these officers without him.

My mother was sitting on the love seat, shaking her head. "She was such a nice young girl," she was saying. "I just don't see how this could have happened. Who would want to bring such a thing upon a beautiful woman such as Kathleen?"

"That's why we're here Ma'am," one of the officers replied. "We're just trying to figure out what exactly happened--why things happened the way they did."

"And we're here to see if we can gain a little more insight," the other officer added. "Just to make sure that there aren't any gaps in the story."

"A story?" I piped up as Donnie and I entered into the room. "Why, this is hardly a mere story. This actually happened, it's not some fairytale that is read to us at bedtime and then we seem to forget overnight!"

"Ellenor," my mom scolded in a hushed tone.

I was quiet for a long while but finally recanted. "Forgive me for my rudeness."

"No need to apologize," the first officer replied. He was tall with a bushy mustache and balding head. "You've been through quite a lot in the past 24 hours."

"You bet your--"

My father let out a loud cough before Donnie could finish his vulgar sentence. I squeezed his hand though. I wanted him to know that we needed to stick together in this. These two police officers were not going to bully us into saying anything that might make Kit seem any less of the woman she is--or...was.

"Miss Stewart." I looked at the man with the mustache. "My name is Norman and this is my partner, Jonathan. We'd just like to ask you and your friend--"

"Fiance," Donnie interjected sternly.

Norman eyed Donnie with a solemn look but subjected. "--Your 'fiance' a few questions. Your parents can stay within the room if you'd like or we can ask them to step out. It's whatever you'd prefer."

I looked up into Donnie's face, asking through my eyes which he'd like. Donnie looked back into mine and knew what I wanted--what I needed. "Mr. and Mrs. Stewart can sit in on the conversation if that is what they wish. We have nothing to hide."

"Alright," Officer Jonathan said. "Let us get started then." He pulled out a pen and small tablet of paper from his lapel. Donnie sat in one of the throne chairs opposite the one my father was occupying and I sat down next to my mother on the love seat. The two men stood in front of us, blocking our wood stove. "So how old was Kathleen when she passed?"

"Just shy of eighteen," I commented. "She was so excited to reach it too. She always said it was a milestone. She couldn't wait to vote."

Officer Norman snickered. "One of those broads, eh? They say there's a liberation in the works. Trying to get more rights for themselves. I just don't see the point in all of it."

"She had something to live for. She wanted to make a change in the world. Isn't that what you wanted to do when you joined the police department?" I asked slowly, trying not to let the ball of fire shoot forth from my colored lips.

"Well, of course, but you don't see a woman standing next to me as my partner, now do you?"

"What is your next question?" Donnie intercepted. I'm sure of it, he could see the steam forming from the crown of my head.

"Who was she with on the night that she was murdered?" Norman asked. I turned to Donnie. This Norman character was not one that I wished to speak to anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2012 ⏰

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