Chapter 36

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Arya was beyond angry, Ashk and Dad wanted to kill him while Zar and I just sat on the couch looking at them ramble. It did hurt seeing him after such a long time, but it didn't matter anymore. I was done crying over him. In the seven years that I've known him he has made me cry more than anyone ever has.

“Dad please just calm down,” I said.

“How can you even say that Kals?!” Arya yelled.

“What?” I yelled out of frustration.

“Enough already, what do you guys want me to? You want me to yell at him or cry?” I asked.

“Because I’m not going to; okay! I said walked over to my room.


Next morning I received a bunch of sunflowers followed by lilies and roses. I knew who they were from. Flowers kept on pouring in, Dad and I we both were fed up but the deliveries never stopped.

At 7 door bell rung for the nth number of time and I opened the door.

A man held a bunch of flowers and they were covering his face.

“Not again!” I said and was about to shut the door when he lowered the bouquet.

“Hey.” he smiled brightly. He had a purple eye and his stubble was still there. Only his hair was more tamed and combed back.

“What the hell.” I said.

“Who's it Kals?” Dad asked from behind.

He came to the door and almost went red with anger.

“What do you want?” He asked loudly.

“I want to talk,” he simply said.

“You son of a...”Dad said and charged on him.

I stopped him.

“Dad please, let's not create a scene,” I said and pulled him back.

“Just this once,” I told Josh and smirked at Dad. I rolled my eyes, typical Josh.

“Speak up, now will you,” Dad said glaring at Josh.

“Yes, sir, I know I have failed as a husband to take care of your daughter,” he said.

“You're damn right,” he replied.

“Sir, I love her, I do, I love her from the bottom of my heart and I am going to fight for her,” he said looking straight at me.

I felt a sharp in my tummy but I ignored it.

“You love her? Really? Do you even remember how she looked when I met her in Canada? I'd known you would be just like your Dad,” dad said spitefully.

“I am nothing like my Dad sir,” he said.

“Please, just sign the papers and set her free,” Dad said.

“I will not divorce her,” Josh said firmly and Dad launched on him.

“You swine!” he swore and threw a few punches at him.

“Dad!!”, I screamed and shot up. I felt warm liquid run down my legs and I knew my water broke.

“Dad, Dad, Josh, juju's coming!” I yelled.

Josh was on the floor while Appa was on top of him, they looked at me with wide eyes and I roared in pain.

I was rushed to the hospital. Somewhere in between the pain grew intense and I couldn't focus on anything. Josh and Dad held onto my both hands. Inside the delivery room Josh stood right next to me holding my hand and trying to soothe me down.

He kissed my forehead a couple of times and held my hand tightly. He himself looked pale and constipated.

“Come on, baby you can do it,” he kept on saying while the doctors kept on chanting push push. After 30 minutes of pushing I was exhausted. I cried.

“Hey, don't cry, come on you can do this, it's going to be our little miracle, come on baby, I love you.” he said and caressed my hand.

“Josshhhh!! “I yelled and pushed with all might, after a few seconds I heard a cry and sighed in relief.

“Oh my god, oh dear lord,” Josh said and looked at this little ball of life covered in Vernix and blood.

“It's a girl.” the doctor said and immediately tears stung my eyes.

Doctors wrapped our baby girl and handed it over to Josh, Josh held our baby delicately and tears rolled down his cheeks.

“She's beautiful, just like her mama.” he said and lowered her so I could have a good look at her. One glace at her sweet innocent face melted away my heart. I fell in love all over again, my baby girl.

Josh looked at me and then at our baby girl, he leaned and kissed me. I let him kiss me, I was overwhelmed and tears wouldn't stop flowing.

“Shhh, Hush, now,” he said on my lips and kissed me once again.

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