Chapter 33

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  Keegan was more or less my only support here, Shraddha and Adi had a tough time taking sides and we would less often. Josh was busy with his shoots and Aaliya Ofcourse.

I was waiting for Josh to pick me up, I had to deliver some documents to my workplace but as always he was late or he just didn't care enough to come on time.

In the end I had to call up Keegs to pick me up and he did.

I had made myself very clear with Keegan that he was just a very good friend and I wasn't interested or ready for any sort of a relationship.

“Kalsi, I’m a flirt, I like flirting and I don't expect anything from you especially when I know you're in love with that Lucky bastard.”

I looked at him dumbfounded.

“Yes, everyone knows except for that donkey.”

I just kept looking. Was it that obvious, Ohmygod i’m pathetic.

So Keegan picked me up and drove me.

He had rest of the day off so we went for lunch and some places I'd wanted to go for a long time. We grabbed dinner and reached home by 11.

Josh was standing at the door with a face that yelled subdued anger.

“Want to come in for a coffee?” I asked Keegan while Josh burnt holes at the back of my head with his deadly stare.

“I'd better not,” he said and drove away.

“Had fun?” He asked sarcastically.

I just looked at him and tried to walk past him.

“Will you move?” I said.

He just looked at me for a moment and moved.

“I called like a maniac,” he said.

“I did wait for you, like always,” I said.

“Should have waited a bit longer,” he said.

“Please,” I said and walked in the bedroom.

“If you wanted to go out with your new best friend you should have atleast informed, I wouldn't have minded,” he said with a smirk.

“I don't give a fuck about what you think, now if you please, I’m tired, I’m going to bed,” I said.

He went out that night and didn't come home.

I hated myself, why did I care about the person who didn't care about me. I didn't sleep the whole night, all sorts of thoughts creeped into my mind. He did come back at 8 in the morning, I was lying on the couch wide awake, and he looked at me and went to have a bath. Not a single word was uttered, he didn’t even explain where he was and I didn’t ask.

We were practically strangers living under the same roof.

My new clothes had also begun to tighten around my tummy; I was getting huge, huge-er. Five months and I was visibly pregnant.

For my fifth monthly appointment Josh was on time. He drove me to the hospital, and helped me climb up the stairs.

“Thanks,” I said.

And he nodded.

In the room when the ultrasound showed my jujubee, I was almost in tears, this happened every time I would see it.

Juju looked at peace, floating and his face looked like he was smiling, sucking his thumb, my heart melted.

I knew then and there my heart wasn't mine anymore, I was incomplete without juju.

Josh stood next to me and just stared at the screen, for first time in weeks he held my hand and caressed it.

I couldn't control my tears and looked away to hide fresh tears formed dying to escape. At the very moment his phone rang and he excused himself.

After a while he came in,

“Umm I have to go, Aaliya's car broke down so umm she needs a lift,” he said.

“Okay,” I nodded.

“I've asked Shradz to pick you up for shopping,” he said.

“Okay,” I said.

“Okay,” he said and left.

I was done crying for that man.

So when Shradz came I happily went shopping and later Keegan and Adi joined us for dinner.

Josh didn't ask anything when I returned home late.

“Kals,” Keegan called out and came running to the door.

“Yeahh?” I asked as he came at the door with a package.

“Here,” he said and gave me the package he was holding.

“It's for Jujubee,” he said kissed my forehead.

I smiled and thanked him.

“Bye,” he said zoomed away in his car.

Josh witnessed the whole scenario quietly without saying anything.

I changed and sat on the couch with a cup of tea.

“I’m going,” Josh yelled.

I didn’t reply and flipped channels to watch something decent.

“I said I’m going,” he said again.

“From when do you inform and go?” I asked.

“Do you always have to talk like this?” He asked.

I kept looking at the screen without any response.

“Answer me, Damn it,” he yelled.

I kept my mum.

He got up, switched off the TV aggressively and left banging the door.

That night I did not wait on him.

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