Yanberry x yandere! reader 2

Start from the beginning

"Won't you just be quiet? Y/n isn't going to hear you. She's not here, no one can save you. And your crying isn't going to change my mind, or make this hurt less. It's your fault after all."

Blue circles his brother tapping the knifes handle on his wrist, over his gloved hands.

"You got in the way.. first flirting, interrupting our date.. spying on y/n while she changes.. you sick pathetic piece of sh**."

Honeys terrified eyes watch as his brother circles him.

"Why would she ever love a peeping perverted a**wipe who tells stupid jokes?.. you don't deserve her loving gaze.."

Blue stops in front of him, knife lifing him face to face with a hateful gaze.

"Well.. I'm don't explaining this, so let's begin huh?"

--------(back with you)--------

"Okay miss that will be $12.50."

You nod and hand the blonde the money and take your bags. "Keep the change!"

You walk out of the store to your car, as you fish out your keys Dawn walks up to you again.

"Heya.. "

You turn to him before tossing your bags into the back seat through the window.

"Uh? What do you want?"

He blushes as his ears go down. "Eh heh.. I just wanted to tell you that um.. you're very pretty.. and uh.. well.. yeah."  He takes a piece of paper out of his pocket and hands it to you.

You shrug your shoulders and pocket the paper. "Thanks I guess."

Only senpai blueberry muffin can talk to me.. no one can replace him.. you think.

He waves goodbye to you and jogs back into the store.

"That's strange... " You think and get into your car turning on the radio listening to your favorite song.

(Any song you want.)

You pull out of the parking lot and drove your way home.

-------(time skip)------

You pull into the driveway tired.

Today was a long day, you needed some of Blues cooking and a nap, cuddling with your Blueberry muffin.

You take the bags out of your car and lock it, then walked up to the porch opening the front door.

Huh.. the house was quiet. Where was Blue and idiot?

You giggle to yourself then walk to the kitchen, you set the bags on the counter.

You could tell that Blue had been in the kitchen, there was brownies in the stove.

You take the cleaver out of the bag and take the protective plastic thing off of it, then set it on Blues cutting board.

"Blue! I'm back from the store! Come see what I got you!"


"Blue? Where are you my sweet muffin?"

....but no one came.

Okay now you were worried.. what if senpai was hurt!? Where is he!? You need him!!

You ran into the living room your heart beating out of your chest, your eyes wide with panic.

Then you see the basement door cracked open.

Your heart rate calms, he was just downstairs.. probably doing laundry.. right?

You open the door and walk down the stairs. "Blue? Are you down here?"

You hear something splash on the floor and fabric ripping apart, bones cracking, Blues humming.

'whats going on down there?' you think.

But that's when you made it down the stairs..

(Waring pretty gory please turn back now. Or.. continue if you dare.)

Blues back was to you, a large knife in his hand, dust and blood covered the floor, Honey's head on the work table, his arms and legs thrown all around the room.

Blue snaps one last rib in half then he turns to you.

"Y/n.. love.. I'm so sorry you have to see this.. but he got in the way... "

The tiny hearts in his eyes break again as he falls to his knees waiting for you to scream and run from him.

He waited.. and waited.

You walked up to him and hug him, kissing his teeth, wiping some of the blood off his cheek.

"Blue this.. is.."

His now faded eyes meet yours.

"Amazing! I had no idea you were just like me! You never knew how much I wanted that filth out of the picture!"

He tilts his head in confusion.

"I'm sorry what?"

You hug him a large smile on your face. "This is great! No no one can bother us! We're finally free my love!"

His eyes widen and he slowly hugs you back still confused.

Maybe you were a little crazy for him after all..

End. Wow.. just wow.  That got creepy fast. Sorry if I gave you nightmares! I can tell I've watched too meany horror movies lately. This is probably the longest oneshot in the book so far. 

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