Chapter 8: Study Love

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Hi Peeps! Just read this and I put a little note at the end of the chapter. Happy/Merry Christmas

   Hermione was able to enjoy herself at Hogsmade with Ginny. The talked about life and gossip while drinking a butter beer or two. They went to Honeydukes for a bit. Filled up on chocolate frogs and Bertie Bot beans They eventually went back to their dormitory to continue talking about random things girls talk about, because girls talk about random things that guys wouldn't get.

"So does Cedric have an idea of what the First Task is?" Ginny asked Hermione, then taking a bite out of her chocolate frog.

    "I don't think so. We don't talk about the tournament much" Hermione replied. "Oh when did you finish the antidote?"

    "Gave it to Cedric 2 weeks ago" Ginny replied. "I didn't work though even though we monitored the potion so much that we once had to add an ingredient at 3 am. Lukas and I almost fell asleep."

    "What do you mean it didn't work?"

   "Well if he truly loves you, no potion can prevent that."

    "What!? Why didn't you tell me?!" Hermione exclaimed.

   "I didn't want you to freak out" Ginny calmly replied.

    "It's fine! I'll give the antidote I got from Dumbledore" Hermione responded.

    "You got one from Dumbledore?" Ginny asked shockingly.

    "Yeah. I plan on giving to him after the second task."

    "But don't you love Cedric?" Ginny asked taking another bite of her chocolate frog.

    "I do but, it's just for the better if I wasn't in a fake relationship."

    "You're relationship with Cedric isn't fake. It's pure and true or else he wouldn't be loving right now. What have you done with him?"

     "Last night Cedric and I went out to the Black Lake for a bit then slept in his dorm."

"How was it?"

Hermione pairs to think of an answer before saying, "It was the best night of my life. I wish that could be every night."

"Then why stop it? Why not let it be? He loves you and you love him. Why would you even want to destroy his love for you?"

"To be honest with you Ginny, I don't know. All I know is that I have to get a Potions essay done for tomorrow."

"Yeah I have homework too. First Task is only 4 days away!"

"Well I got to go to the library. Do you need anything?" Hermione asked Ginny.

"No thanks. See you later Hermione."

"Bye Ginny."

Hermione left her common room, rushed down the stairs and through the hallways which were basically empty, to the library. She knew exactly where she may find her book. It only took Hermione 5 minutes before she found the right book. Now she needed to go to the Potions classroom to get her notes that she forgot to grab on Friday. Yes Hermione forgets things too. As Hermione walked down from the library to the dungeons alone, she felt a weird sense. Yes it was Sunday and yes everyone does their homework on Sunday. Something, however, didn't feel correct. She ignored it and opened the door to the Potion room to see Cedric near the ingredient bottles.

"What are you doing here?" Hermione asked right away.

Cedric turned to see her standing in front of him. "Same as you" he replied.

Go For Her? A Love Accident or Meant To Be?Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat