Chapter 2: Brewing Up

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The weekend came and everyone was happy for trips to Hogsmade soon. Still, many had studies to do, including a certain Granger girl. Hermione and Ginny decided they would study together in the corner of the library where barely anyone goes to any day of the week. Friday's were usually more of the quieter nights because many students just wanted a break from their studies.

"So Hermione," Ginny spoke up to break the silence, "What are your opinions on the Champions?"

Hermione thought for a second before she replied. "Famous Seeker, part Veela, Diggory And Potter. Yeah, they are all decent. No real opinion."

"Well can you get that book about Herbology for 3rd Years: Volume 1?" Ginny asked Hermione pointing to the book that was up high.

Hermione did a swish and flick to with her wand pointing at the book and casted a spell to get the book down and slowly place itself on the table.

"Thanks Hermione. You're the best" Ginny responded. " real opinions on any of the Champions?"

"Ginny, why are you thinking about him?"

"Why can't I?"

"'s not gonna happen!"

"A girl can dre..." Ginny paused when she noticed that someone was behind Hermione.

    Hermione turned around to see an older Hufflepuff student right behind her.

    "Do you need anything?" Hermione asked Cedric.

    Cedric didn't respond right away. He pulled out his wand and casted a spell onto one of the books on the higher shelf. Slowly, the book, Herbology for 6th Years: Volume 1 slowly came floating out and coming towards him into his hands.

   "That's all I need" Cedric replied to the two.

   "That's it?" Hermione asked.

   "Yep" Cedric responded. "Why did I forget something? Not that you would know what I need."

   "No, just thought you maybe need another book or so" Hermione replied.

   "Oh yeah" Cedric commented before he casted another spell on a different book. After he go his book, he swiftly left the two.

    "How can you not love him?" Ginny asked after a minute from when he left with his books.

   "Ginny, get some work done and also you can't love someone right away. I don't believe in first love at first sight" Hermione advised.

    "I have a potion thing that I need to finish with Luna and I said I would be there soon" Ginny told Hermione.

   "Oh, go then" Hermione responded. "We can work together later, or tonight if we have time. Most likely we will because, we don't have anything else to do tonight."

   "Ok then, bye Mione" Ginny said before walking away to the potions room.

   She ended up half skipping and half running thinking she would be late. Not that she would be penalized for being late. She ran in to see a Slytherin and no Luna.

   "Weasley?" The girl asked.

   "Pembie?" Ginny asked.

   "How did you know my name?" Xara asked in confusion.

   "I know more about people than I should" Ginny replied.

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