Suddenly, the former Time Master felt the need to run. He needed to get out of here. It wasn't safe. Everyone was going to die. He glanced around the field. No one was moving. They were all just staring up at the lights and pointing, smiling and laughing. Why weren't they afraid? Why weren't they getting the hell out of there?

Rip wasn't in the field of the park anymore. It was 2166. There was dirt flying everywhere, people along with it, as bombs exploded through out the city. Laser guns were fired, bringing innocent people down within seconds. The city was in ruins. Vehicles were over turned; buildings were destroyed. Bodies littered the ground, their dark red blood staining the once luscious green grass.

Rip crouched behind a fallen tree, as all around him innocent people were being killed by Vandal Savage's men. Bombs continued exploding. They were at a distance, but Rip could still feel the after effects, the ear piercing rumble the rolled through the ground, sending tremors all throughout his body. Lasers shot through the air, casting bright lights across the ground.

All around, people were screaming. Crying. Begging for mercy. It was the only thing Rip could hear besides the explosions. Slowly, Rip peered around the trunk of the tree. From across the street he could see two figures - a woman with long dark hair and a little boy with dark blonde hair.

For a moment, Rip allowed his spirits to lift. His family. They were so close! He moved, ready to go to them, but then -

"Help! Please!" The cry made Rip crouch back into his hiding position. He glanced to the right and felt his heart sink. Suddenly, he felt as though he might be sick.

Vandal Savage was sauntering down the streets, his personal body guards flanking either side of him. He had a long beard and dark hair; he wore a suit much too elegant for battle. His guards shot the man who had shouted without even flinching. Simultaneously, another explosion went off. Rip flinched, watching as Savage and his men approached Miranda and Jonas. One of the guards raised his gun, aiming straight at Miranda's chest. He fired. Rip screamed. She fell, dead before her body even hit the ground. Savage stepped closer to Jonas. They spoke a few words, before he stepped away. And then...and then...

Someone was shaking him, gripping his shoulder tightly. Rip blinked. He was back in the park with the Legends. They were all staring at him with concern, even Mick and Leonard. The kids gawked, eyes wide. Strangers glanced over occasionally, looking at Rip like he might belong in a psych ward. Sara was at his side, a firm grip on his shoulder. She looked at him with her intense blue eyes.

"What happened?" Rip asked, confused.

"You screamed," Sara told him.

"I did? I don't remember..."

Another round of those non-explosions went off -- fireworks, as Sara had called them. This time there was a whole bunch of them at once, firing off nonstop for a whole minute. Rip cringed at the sound.
Ellie Jo looked over and frowned. "Dad?"

"I'm fine," Rip lied.

"No your not," Sara said. "C'mere." She grabbed his hand and dragged him away from the group. She lead him off the field, away from the crowd, away from the noise and lights.

Everything was fuzzy. The world seemed to be spinning in three sixties around him. His mouth tasted like he'd eaten a cotton ball. (Though, Laurel had forced him to try cotton candy early, so that could have been the reason behind that particular sensation. They were the same thing, in Rip's opinion. Not to mention it was called cotton candy. What a dreadful thing...) Rip's hands were shaking, and his legs felt as though he'd just run fifteen kilometers. His heart beat against his rib cage, like it was trying to escape from something. Though, the further they got from the crowd the less rigid his nerves felt.

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