~The End~

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In the end, you have finally found happiness. Not the sort you read about in books or see in movies, but true happiness.
Before you met your future partner, you saw the world in greys, blacks and whites. The world was devoid of colour. Yet as you met your now lover, slowly colour crept into your life. You suddenly saw red, the colour of roses, orange, the colour of the writing app you used often, yellow, the colour of the inside of the daisies that grew in the garden, you saw the blue of the sea and the green of the lush country side.
Before you met your partner, kindess and soft words were wasted on you. While you were never rude, you didnt understand why people were kind to others, yet your soulmate taught you how to be a better person and how being kind is beautiful and something that should be done more often.
   You sit in the dream bubble, as you have for the past number of years, alone and pondering every aspect of your life. Your eyes were closed, you hummed a soft, gently melody to yourself. You open your eyes at the sudden *crunch* of grass, and you see the outline of a troll come bounding towards you.
"(Y/N)! Oh how I've missed you..."

     The end.

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