Start from the beginning

"Dante was just a kid you said so yourself. Why did you make him turn out looking like the bad guy?"

"I knew Mr. Costello wasn't CEO anymore and that he left everything to his son. So the only way to hurt him was to get to his adoptive son."

"How did you know that? I heard that only a handful of people knew about this?"

"What that his adopted? I told you Rosalie I used to work with his father we were very close."

"Than how is it that when you met my father he was just starting his partnership with Mr. Costello? It couldn't have been destined." 

He must've had it all planned out from the start... it all went smooth sailing until he arrived at the scene.

"I only introduced your father to Mr. Costello when he wanted to expand his business and your father needed an investment. They hit it off from the start and soon was becoming best of friends. I couldn't have predicted all this would have happened."

He turned his face away then looked back at me again.

"I was just helping a good friend."

"If you did business with Mr. Costello how is it you didn't notice that dark side of him? Why would you still advise my father to do business with such a man?"

He looked as if he was caught up in a lie.

"I didn't know that side of Mr. Costello existed. He was always so helpful and friendly. Who could expect such behavior from someone claiming to be a noble family man?"

"That's a lie!"

He looked at me in surprise.

"How can you be so sure?"

"If you could find out about their son being adoptive surely you should've noticed something. You made my father's death bed!"

"Enough Rosalie!" My mother yelled.

I looked at her in disappointment.

"I have no interest in the Costello's anymore. I'm done with them and the both of you." I said walking to the door.

"How can you just leave it like this what about the company....the money they took!" He yelled at me.

"I don't care anymore they can have it all. I want nothing to do with any of this anymore... this is not what my father would have wanted."

"He would have wanted his daughter to revenge his death!"

"You don't know what he would've wanted because you're not half the man that dad was."

"You're nothing but a fool he'd be disappointed in you!"

"Enough Arthur, let it go!"I heard my mother yell, it's the first time she stood up for me.

"But Margo, we can't just let it go. We're talking about billions of money."

"Billions that belonged to Michael and his already death and no money can change that. Let Rose be. Stop obsessing about money that's long gone. Who's going to believe you if you say the Costello's the wealthiest family in the world stole his company and his daughter's inheritance? You'd be making a fool of yourself."

"Rosalie you're making a big mistake!"

"Goodbye, Arthur I hope you recover soon."

I walk over to my mother and kiss her on her cheek.

"Goodbye, mother."

"Rosalie I'm so sorry I hadn't been the mother you needed."

I could look my mother in her eyes and know she meant it but it was a little too late.

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