Darkness 15 -Hide and Seek-

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They held their breaths. Whatever happened back there, it happened so fast. The portal managed to get bigger and bigger, along with that, Vermouth's conscious seemed to be fading away. Before they could even guess she'll faint, she already fell to the ground, unconscious. Since they got no time, the boys carried her through and laid her down, not so long after that, tears fell off her cheek. Yes, her tears.

"What do we do? What's happening to her?" Vinho checked her body temperature, looking for scars all over her as well but she's in a very good condition. Well, outside. She's not going to die shockingly, right?

"I have zero idea about this," Calvados tried to wake her up by shaking and calling her name but it did her nothing. Her cheek was wet because of her tears.

"But you're her cousin!"

"Yes, I'm her cousin. That doesn't really mean I know every single details about her. I'm not her bodyguard, not her father, not her spy, just a regular cousin. Besides..." Calvados stopped. Was it even safe to tell such thing to him? It's not quite a deal, but from Calvados' own experience, you shouldn't talk too much—no—you should never talk things to Devhound. Once they got information, there's no telling what they'll do.

"Besides?" Vinho asked after waiting for seven minutes.


"Dude, I don't know what the great deal about Devhounds is for both of you, but I'm telling you that I'm not the same with them," Calvados didn't move. No matter how assuring Vinho's face, he's just too aware for any mistakes. They're in quite a tricky situation, there's no room for more.

"Are you even listening?"

"Yeah, not the same. I don't know," Calvados shook his head.

"Why would I come here and help you if I'm no different with my kind?" Calvados said nothing. "Besides, I'm a half Devhound," he added.

Calvados aimed his glare at him. He froze as if a half Devhound was rare phenomena and there's something wrong with that kind. Almost like half Devil and half Angel, or worse. "Pardon? You're serious?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Lying about my parents is so not my thing," Vinho replied. He checked at Vermouth for once and she's no different with the past 12 minutes.

"Then... what's the other half? Devil?" If that's true, it's like Vinho's the perfect combination of Evil and Darkness.

"Angel," Vinho spoke, barely a whisper. "Which is which?"

"My mother's the Devhound, my father's the Angel. Was that supposed to be something dangerous?" It's almost like Vinho knew nothing about his own kind.

"I don't know. You're the combination of two kinds I don't plan to know more so... ask someone else. But you're dominant to the Devhound side? Was its genetic that strong? I thought the father's gen was stronger," He said all things he practically know about them.

He looked at both of his hands. "It's like a fight between Evil genetic and Good genetic with the Devhound as the Evil one and the Angel as the Good one, and by what I know now, the Evil genetic wins,"

"At least you kept some Good side in you so... maybe you're not that jerk," Calvados raised both of his shoulders and his words made Vinho looked at him sharply as if he's saying a sarcastic 'Excuse me? Jerk? Not. That. Jerk?'. "But you looked like you don't know much,"

"I am. My father brought me to the Earth since I was just a boy and he left not so long after so... I grew up like an ordinary human boy, except for the power part," Shadows appeared on his hands before disappearing again.

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