Darkness 1 -The Meteor-

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'There's a meteor heading toward to our earth. The meteor is the hottest one of all meteors that has ever fall to earth. Scientists believe that this meteor comes from another Milky Way'

Diandra is watching her television now. It's a Sweet Sunday morning in New York but unfortunately that sweet must come to an end. Before even enjoying the sun's gift of shiny day, people had already been shocked by the news of the upcoming falling meteor that's heading to earth. Doesn't sound quite sweet, does it?

"What is going on exactly?" asked her mother. "This is still 8 a.m. and look what had been shown on the screen,"

Diandra's mother is cooking breakfast at the kitchen right now. Diandra's sister, Dira; who is just a 7 years old girl, is sitting on the dining room, waiting for the breakfast to be ready with a hungry face. Diandra is still watching the television, surrounded by the curiousity that refused to leave her. There's a weird¹ feeling inside her that forced² her to keep watching that News. I wonder where the meteor is heading to, think Diandra.


"Hahahaha, Finally, I have get rid of that trouble maker! No one can safe her, now,"

A woman stand on her new throne, laughing happily because of her victory³. Everything around her is dark, probably⁴, the darkest place anyone has ever seen. The Kingdom of Nighterford, a kingdom where darkness rules far away beyond. It appears like the woman is a royal who rules the kingdom.

"My Queen, " said a soldier who just came to the throne room. The soldier bow to the queen slowly.

"So, have you finished them? " the Queen asks to her soldier.

"I'm sorry my Queen," answer the soldier. "Lady Valory managed to escape,"

"What?! How come?! What is so difficult on finishing a weak queen's life until you can't even do it? " the Queen looks very angry and deadly.

"I-I'm so sorry my queen, she used her last energy to dissappear before our very eyes," the Soldier shaked to death when he said that.

"Never mind then, what about the girl? Did you managed to kill her?" ask the Queen.

"No, my Queen, Lady Valory sent her to a place far away from here before she escaped," answer the Soldier.

"Fool!! The Girl is our top priority! If she's still alive I can't rule the darkness safely!" the Queen shout in anger.

The Queen tries to locate the girl with her amazing power but she fail. The girl has already gone beyond her reach. Dark! Why is it so hard just to finish a young girl and a weak Queen. The queen is very furious she could destroy her own castle! "Go and search for her, I won't forgive you until she's dead, find and kill her even if it takes forever!!!"


The meteor is still heading towards earth. Hot and dangerous. So powerful that it might could destroy almost a whole big city.

Go, my child, you will destroy them when the time has arrived.

"Oh my god!" Diandra was shocked because her glass moved and break for no reason. She was having a nice breakfast with her mother and sister, and look what just happened! She could swear that she didn't even touch the glass, it just moved itself and broke.

"Okay, earth is completely mad today," said her mother when she is cleaning the glass's fragments.

"Does this thing has the connection with the falling meteor?" asked Diandra's sister, Dira.

The girl looked at her innocent little sister. You've gotta be kidding, right? "Don't be silly, of course not," answer Diandra. I hope , she thought.

The meteor is heading to New York city! It has gotten nearer to them on every second and now it is almost crash to the ground.

"What on earth did that reporter just said?!" Diandra's mother shocked when she heard that. No way! What is your reaction when somebody told you that your hometown is going to be crashed by a meteor, in the morning? Right when you've already prepared for the day?! Madness, isn't it?

Blam! A voice just came out of nowhere. It was a relief for Diandra and Dira that it was just her mother who is packing her suitcase to-hold onーSuitcase? "Come on girls, let's go visit your father in Paris and leave this crazy city for a couple of weeks,"

So there it is, the two girls pack their suitcase to save their lifes. The cases has been packed, they just have to leave the city now. Outside of the house, they find their neighbour, Mrs. Hummington, who is already on her car with her family. "A nice day to leave USA, right Mrs. Peterson?" asked Mrs. Hummington. Oh what is wrong with the moms today?! Diandra's mother replied, "It surely does,"

The Hummington family had gone a few minutes after that. Diandra's family also wanted to go as well. But as they wanted to go inside the car, a strange energy pushed them back into the house. The house's doors shut themselves, thunder flashes everywhere in the sky. It was too late.

The house's lights were gone. The storm is getting bigger and bigger. Is this the chaos?

In the Dark I shall be found

I am a girl who've lost all bonds

Friends and Family I have none

BOOOMMMMM!!!!! Something hits the backyard really hard. After that, everything goes normal again little by little.

"Thank God! I thought this is the end," said Dira. Diandra check everything outside the house, make sure that everything is okay now. Magical! The storm had already gone! The sky is very clear now. Diandra then check the backyard. Nothing! There's nothing but the flowers, the pool with a body in it, the refreshing seats...Hold on a moment. "Mommy! There's a body inside the swimming pool!!"


This is a few translation for Indonesian people who didn't understand expecially my friend, RindianiIrena

Weird : Aneh

Forced : Memaksa

Victory : Kemenangan

Probably : Mungkin

I'm sorry if there's a bad grammar or else, just tell me, I will fix it.

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