Darkness 5 -The Bad in School-

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Two suffering-and-not-so-good weeks had passed slowly for Vermouth. A huge pack of evil homework, frustrating assignments, followed by a science project had filled her new 'human' life. But that's not the problem. In fact, on her first test which was held on her third day at school, she managed to get: A+ for English and A for Math. Lucky? Well, did getting eight A's five days in a row could be called lucky?

Yet, things didn't change much. The other students still thought she's a weirdo, even an Alien, which was almost can be claimed true—unless one of you can name a creature that came to Earth from another world, planet and dimension. But Vermouth never really cares about that. She just focused on doing her new unbelievable life. But she did promise if her mother was still alive, she would definitely kick her ass for making her living in such life, whether it was for her own good or not.

"Let me guess, you got an A again," Diandra snapped. The Science shocking test was just over. The bell had saved everyone from the terror of science and led them straight for lunch.

"Wrong!" Vermouth answered short and simple. "It's A plus," she added, making Diandra opened her mouth. She put her hand on Vermouth's tidy table. "I'm used to this. Yeah. How about you, Vinho?" she smiled to the pale boy who hasn't move for 3 minutes long.

Vinho showed his paper which had an A on its corner without saying any word. As usual. He only talked to Vermouth and it's even not much. They both were even called 'the grave tablemates' for being so quiet. But then again, none of them care for such things. Diandra gave them both two thumbs up. "That's great, both of you! I got an A too!" she confirmed with her sweet daily smile. "Just so you know," she giggled in a low voice.

The three went to the cafeteria together in quiet; even Diandra has nothing to say. They placed themselves in the table near the corner of the cafeteria. Vinho got himself a cheeseburger while Vermouth and Diandra got their homemade lunch, super healthy. Vermouth just took a little bite from her sandwich before the devil boy (Translation: Bodhi Hummington) appeared right next to Diandra out of nowhere. "Wow, are you guys starting to become besties? What kind of miracle do you have until these two wanted to join your lunch, Dee?" Bodhi joked with his daily smirk on his white face.

"Oh shush!" Diandra rolled her eyes.

Bodhi put his burger on the table, meaning he wanted to join them. He laughed, "No seriously, what have you done to them?" his voice made Vermouth wanted to tore him off.

"I asked them of course," she answered. "More like beg," Vermouth added coldly.

"Oh come on! Who would want to stay in class for the whole school time?" Diandra defended herself.

"I do," Vinho nodded, agreeing with what Vermouth just said.

"Yeah... right," Diandra took another bite of her yummy burger.

Bodhi dig into his lunch as well. He swallowed it before saying, "Well, I gotta say, you must be so amazing until you managed to bring these two Ice King and Queen here with you," he commented.

Vermouth stood up. "I'm going to the restroom," she stepped away with her cold aura surrounding her. After a few long steps, she stopped and looked back. "F.Y.I. I'm not crying," she continued her steps to the restroom.

Bodhi raised an eyebrow before turning to Diandra, while Vinho continued to finish his meal peacefully. Bodhi titled his head. "How did she read my mind?"


The quiet corridor made Vermouth's steps echoing loudly. But as she made her way a few steps from the restroom, a weird noise reached her eardrums. She slowed her steps and stopped near the restroom. A medium sized wall hides her body well as she saw what was going on. There was a girl. She could tell that from the voice she made, but she can't see her. Not with the other students surrounding her. She got some bruises and scratches, lots of scratches. At least that was the only thing Vermouth could see through those crowd.

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