Darkness 10 -The Voice-

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Vinho | Vermouth | Both


What a wonderful brand new day--seriously? Do you seriously think I, Vermouth la Evelis, would say that? Please, don't put too much hope in me, I mean it. Today's been a very shocking and unbelievable day, and by day I meant morning. I'm still cleaning my bedroom and we're about to leave in the next 20 minutes. Or so as I remember. Oh well. All I got to do is clean my world (read: room) then take my breakfast before leaving. Books? I gave it to Deedee. Our school only want us to have one binder note so that we could write all the notes and tasks well-arranged, and for the other books, it is already been provided by the school. We just have to leave it at our locker and take it home if we want to study or do home works. Yeah, nice place. The place, not the people.

You know what my opinion about the people, right?

Hah... my room is all cleaned up and now I'll just have to take my--wait a century, something fell from my bed and it's super shiny as a silver moon could be. Naturally, like what most people would do, I lowered myself and lifted that thing up. It's a choker. And according to my awesome talent of memorizing materials, this black choker is made of hell hound's skin and it has a silver on its middle in the form of a drinking glass. There's a writing on it, just like mine, and that writing is 'Vix'.

To be honest I felt as if I'm cringing the world's strangest cringe. 'Vix' ? What on the galaxy is Vix? Is it a typo of writing? Is it a name? Is it a number of counting in other language besides English? No? Then what is it? And why is this thing in my room? How could this thing be here? It's not mine! Duh!

"Vermouth, breakfast is ready!" Dira's voice interrupted my thoughts. Shoo, can't this world let me have a privacy of reading for just a day? Darn it!

"Roger that!" I said, copying the words of the action movie I recently saw. The tittle of the movie? No idea. The purpose of watching a movie is to have yourself entertain and leaving the stress, not memorizing the tittle. Am I right or am I truely true?

It only took me 10 seconds before actually standing in front of all the yummy breakfast. It's a cereal. What? You think cereal is an ordinary meal? Be grateful. Not everyone get to eat this delicious thing, especially me, followed by the fact that I'm a devil, living in a far away world from here. Okay, forget that. Time to dig in!

I thought nobody would realized the choker in my hand but I was wrong. "Vermouth, did you have a new necklace?" Mrs--I mean--Mom asked me in her daily soft tone. Yeah, she prefer to call the thing as necklace, not choker. What a soft-hearted woman.

I sat down right next to Mr. Dad. Um, scratch that. I meant Dad, not Mr. Dad. "I didn't realize that you have it. Did you just buy it recently?" He finished Mom's sentenses.

"Uh... no... no... it's not mine. It belongs to a friend, she left it here when she last came here," I answered randomly.

"That's strange. I thought the boy is the only friend of yours who came here," Mom showed her curiousity.

Oh dead for me. "Oh yeah, that's what I meant! I meant 'he' not 'she' hehehe... morning error," I giggled awkwardly before preparing my cereal and just... dig in. Oh yum!

Silence rain down and surrounded us like a fog as everyone consumed their meal for their energy of the day. I felt so calm and relief until Diandra wished for me to slice her. "So you mean, Vinho wore a choker?" She suddenly spoke. "I never notice him wearing a choker. Imagining him touching one is quite impossible I guess," she finished her words.

Remind me to slice her later. Or maybe sew her mouth for a day. I would do it right now if Mom and Dad are not watching me right now. Curse you, Deedee! "Well, I don't know. If it's not his, then whose? He is the only person who ever came to my room besides all of you. And I know better than ever, none of you wear choker except me. Unless you came up with a theory of someone else entering my room?" I said innocently. She made me to spill all those, it's one hundred percent not my fault. Come to think about it, I started to think that this thing belongs to Calvados. But that's impossible! Calvados and choker are not meant for each other. I know it better that ever. Oh I could die in curiousness like this.

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