Darkness 8 -Him-

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What is the most mainstream thing on a story?

Some of you might answer past.

Past always come to break the story. Past is one of the conflict source in each and every story. It could either made the character's life broken, or giving them the courage to do something within their lives.

And the second point rarely happened. Right now, Vermouth is not sure whether Calvados's appearance might broke her nearly-arranged life or making it better. Thinking of in what situation he appeared right now—which is the kidnap of Diandra—he might bring the first point; broke her life.

A stream flush of afraid ness hit her in the heart. Dozens of questions were dancing on her head. Like Why is he here? What is he up to? How did he get here? Who is he looking for? Or, is he looking for something?

Vinho felt the same confusion dangling on his head. Who is he? Where did he come from? When did he got there? And so much more.

But there's no time to think about him. Diandra's missing and she need to find her. They need to find her. And if Calvados appeared, he may hold the key of this situation.

"Calvados, did you know where Diandra is?" Vermouth said in a very cold tone that shocked Vinho. There's something in her tone. Something that felt like a perfect combination of the word 'royal' and 'devil'.

Calvados raised an eyebrow in confusion, but that doesn't fool any of them. Both Vinho and Vermouth knew that he held a very sneaky glance on his eyes. "Huh? What is Diandra? Your new pet cat?"

Excuse me? What did he say? "He's a human. A human girl that has true kindness, unlike you, and I'd like you to tell me whether you know her location or not," Vermouth's running out of her patience. Duh, what makes any of you think a devil princess like her has a great patience?

"And if I don't?" Calvados said calmly. "Hades, you're such a temperamental princess, aren't you?" His smirk made Vermouth wanted to spill her lunch on his face.

"Why don't you worry about yourself, Vermouth?"

Vermouth was nailed on her position, the want of torture him in place had disappeared with the blowing wind. "Why must I worry about myself?" She looked at him sharply.

Calvados laughed for a while. "Don't you know? The whole dark world is looking for you. Each and every person," his words made Vermouth let a shocked 'what?' from her mouth.

Vinho analyzed him from the edge of the hair to the edge of his toes. He tried to understand each and every word. "Everybody? Wouldn't that includes you," Vinho spitted suspiciously.

Calvados was gone. He disappeared with the falling leaves. Vinho felt a cold air on his neck that made him turned, Calvados was already in front of him with his annoying grin. "Why yes, it does includes me," he answered, making Vermouth took a step back. "Only, I don't look for you to kill you, Vermouth. I'm here to warn you," he put a serious look on his pale face

"And how can I even a single bloody word you said?!" Vermouth shouted.

Cling! Vermouth's eyes widened as Calvados showed a golden necklace with red diamond on the center. A powerful yet sacred symbol of promises for those who are serious with it. Devils are identical with breaking their promises, so with that in mind, this necklace shall locked their promises and had the ability to make sure that they won't break it. If they do, they will die forever and ever. Seeing Calvados to have this sacred thing surely surprised the young princess.


Calvados didn't say another word. In return, he tapped the diamond and it suddenly let out voices; voices of Calvados and a man.

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