Chapter 8: Riding with Liam Payne +McDonalds

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      Well then we might as well ride together. They all ran to the boys car. I looked at Liam "Well come on then," I just started walking towards the car. "Wait up love," I stopped and turned around. He finally cought up. We walked silently to the car. Right when I turned on the car the radio came on "Now its time for The Top 20 #10"

"You don't understand, You don't understand

What you do to me when you hold his hand"

      I just sat there smiling. I love this song. I looked at him "Congrats you guys got #10 out of 20 songs thats great". "Thanks Love, This is actually one of my favorite soongs from the Album" I just smiled. "Mine to" I turned on the car Liam just sat their looking at me 'cough' he turned away I saw his cheeks turn pink. "R-O-C-K ME AGAIN R-O-C-K ME AGAIN" Gosh that scared me "Can you answer that please" I asked Liam while he laughed. "Sure" he grabbed my phone and slid it to answer. It was Nadya.

"Hello..uhh yeah......let me tell her.....but ok." 

         He turned to look at me "Nadya said the lads were hungry so we need to go somewhere to eat" I nodded "OK I say McDonalds its cheap and close" He just turned, "I guess McDonalds it is then. Do you want me to tell her" He asked "No they can follow"

         *LIAMS POV*

   "Nice ringtone by the way" I chuckled, she blushed. 'Yess' made her blush I don't know why I felt so good about making her blush but I did. "DING!" I took my phone out of my back pocket.

SOPHIA: Hey were are you its movie night?

LIAM: Hi I'm sorry I forgot I'm hanging out with the lads:/

SOPHIA: Oh...ok well thes is the 2nd time you have to make it up to me;)

LIAM: Yahhhh okay another movie night it is I gtg txt you later.

SOPHIA: Ok Love you:)


I notice we stopped I put my phone in my pocket "Umm Liam were here," Zoe said tapping my shoulder "Uhh ok I will be out in a minute," I said looking at her. "I trust you so just bring me them once you lock the doors before you get out," she said looking at me with a serious face. "Ok I will bring them back.. and thank you for trusting me," She just smiled at me and got out the car. 'DING!' I saw her phone light up.

            1 NEW MESSAGE FROM:
                     MISTER BEAN;)

 Well that's a lovely name haha all well I will take it to her later. I  believe Sophia forgot we were in America and not in England.All well she will figure it out sooner or later. What am I suppose to do about Zoe and Sophia. I need to talk to someone for advice. I can't do it anymore. Maybe I can talk to Nadya. I don't know why her but I just have a feeling to talk to her. I looked out the window into McDonald's. Louis was making a face to Zoe and everybody started laughing. I smiled.

       I grabbed her phone then the keys. I got out and locked th doors. I walked inside it was empty all it had was an old couple and us. I walked over to them grabbed a chair pulled up to the table and sat between Hazza and Zoe. "Here you got a message from Mister Bean" I said handing her, her phone "Thanks" she said grabbing the phone. "Who's Mister Bean" Louis take looking at Zoe "A friend".
    Liam got a chair and sat between me and Harry. He handed me my phone I forgot about that. "Here you got a message from Mister Bean" I grabbed it "Thanks." "Whos Mister Bean?" Louis asked."A friend," "Oh its Cooper , get it his last name Bean." Man why am I so stupid, "Why is it under Mister Bean though?" She asked Nadya "He saved it not me" Nadya said.

MISTER BEAN;):  Hey what you up to?

ZOE: I am actually at McDonald's with some friends so txt u l8ter:)

MISTER BEAN;): Ok have 'fun' with One Direction... ESPECIALLY MR.PAYNE;) ;)

ZOE: Ok I sure will L-M-A-O :PJK

   I laughed. I showed Nadya she laughed "Yahh Zoe for once listen to him and 'DO THAT,"she ended that sentence with a wink. "Terible," I mumbled. Then I showed Nana she busted out laughing. I put my phone in my pocket "Do what" Niall asked "Nothing" we all said the girls just turned to me with a smirk. "Ok I'm hungry so me and Nadya will go up and order so tell me what you want," they looked at each other.

After we write the order down we go up and give her the paper. Me and Nadya do this all the time. Were always scared to order. "Ok $25.00 all together" I handed her a $20 and a $10. "Ok $25 out of $30 here's your change $5 your number is 305" we gave all everybody there cup. I got a water and Nadya got a bottle of Chocolate Milk. "305 orders ready!" Liam and Harry got up and got the food. "Here you go" everybody had there food now. We ate silently until Niall burped.

    "Holy Cow Niall you ate both of your Big Macs already!" He looked up at me "Yupp and that was wonderful," he just smirked "Well then," I looked around I was the only one eating and all I had was 10 Chicken Nuggets. "You know what, who wants 5 chicken nuggets?" I looked around again "o-o-o-o me, me, me!" Niall and Louis said. I gave them both 2 each. "I will take one," Liam said. I looked at up and handed it to him. "There now I'm done" I said sighing. "Ok well we should get y'all home, you two have work tomorrow," Harry said looking at us. "Yahh I agree," Nadya said. We threw our stuff away and headed to the cars."RING!- RING!-RIN-" I got my phone out 'UNKNOWN'  "Hello?" Everbody looked at me.

UNK.: HI this I Dr.Stewart is this Zoe Simmons?

ZOE: Yes what's going on?

UNK.: It seems your sister Abigail Connell got in a Car Wreck.

ZOE: What..ok..I will be there right away.
    "Ways up Zoe?" Nadya walked up to me. " Abigail got in a wreck I need to to to the Hospital," I started crying."We will go don't cry Zoe Liam will take you," I nodded. I could care less who took me. We got in the car. "Love, calm down, stop crying," Liam said starting the Car. I couldn't Calm down though. We got in the Shannons Parking Lot. I ran to the doors and they were all the way behind me. People showed up with cameras guess it was paparazzi.We all kept running to the front desk. "Abigail Connell!" She looked up typing. "Room 305, 3 doors down to the right" the lady said. "301,302,303,304, and 305 ha here it is!" Nadya said. She opened the door. " Family Members Only" the nurse said walking into the room. Everybody went to the waiting room. "Dr.Stewart will be in here in a minute," She smiled and left. I sat by Abi. "Hello Zoe its good to see you " Dr.Stewart walked in shaking my hand. "Same to you sir, so what's wrong" he looked at his clipboard. "Well right now she is in a coma, bruised ribs and broken arm. We don't know when she will wake up," I looked up at him "She will be okay right?" he looked at me and smiled "Of course." I told Abigail to come back soon and I left. I cried when I got to the waiting room...

                                      ZOE xoxo

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