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Chapter 2:School

     "RIIINNNGGG!!!!" My eyes shot open that scared the crap out of me. I checked the the time on my phone '6:30 am. School ughh I hate it I really do. I got up and took a shower.'6:50' I got my favorite jeans and me a shirt. dark blue skinny jeans, my BATMAN shirt, and my black converse.I put my hair in a fish braid to the side( ). I grabbed my One direction jacket and my book bag. I grabbed my phone off the charger and started walking.

     It is '7:00' and I am half way there. School starts at '7:55'. I got here early today because the first student that get here early gets a box of chocolate covered donuts yes CHOCOLATE COVERED DONUTS.I am finally at school I ran to the cafeteria. Guess what, I was second person here. Cooper was waiting. Stinking Cooper maybe he will share. He saw me "Zoe""Cooper""Simmons""Bean", We've always done that since 6th grade. Me and Cooper have been friends since 1st grade. He and his family are family friends. 

   "Can I ask you something", he asked "Shoot away", ok a favor from Cooper thats a first "Will- You-Help-Me-GetajobatStarbucks""Of course cooper but one thing, you have to share your donuts." "Deal" we both shook hands. "Why do you want to work at Starbucks?"  He shrugged "I don't know I just want to work were I know people, so I will be working with you and Nadya and maybe free drinks", I nodded my head ignoring the last part because that was my reason too.

   " Of course who could stay away from us", Nadya said walking up I finished my second donut by then. " Who could" He said agreeing, we all started laughing. " Do you think we could help getting Cooper a job at Starbucks?" she  made a face " OF COURSE WE COULD!!" She yelled out loud we are lucky nobodies here everybody would be looking at us "So Cooper after school you will come with us, ok?" she commanded" Yes ma'am" he said saluting. We told cooper goodbye " See you two after school" we both waved and sat at another table because John,Weston,Ben,Cole, and Kasen went to go sit with him.

"Well then now we have to go persuade our boss so Cooper can have his shift with us" I looked at Nadya she was stuffing her face with my donuts MY DONUTS " If he gets one", she just smiles "RIINNGG"1st period "Peace out Zoe see you at lunch", we made our separate ways.


    Coach Landers is my teacher for science. That's the only reason why I could handle Science. First He is an awesome teacher. Second, is I sit by James and in front of Kasen. They both are really fun. They are also guys that I can actually talk to. I went to sit down. There's one thing though. I have Autumn sitting besides me.

    I don't want to sound mean but she scares me. How are you not suppose to be scared of a person that hissed yes I said HISSED at a guy because he asked her for a pencil. She talks to herself during the whole class so that's ok. 

  James will just sit there and talk and maybe even sing about random things. He mostly sings about food which reminds me about Niall. Kasen will just sit to and maybe even stand up and talk back to Coach Landers which is hilarious. " Today we are going back to 6th,6th, and 7th grade" 2 minutes later Kasen yelled out "COMETS....METEORS..ASTEROIDS!!" Coach Landers looked up " COR-RECTO" he said. I tried not to laugh out so I bite my lip ,then I bite it to hard and it starts bleeding. that's my problem when I laugh ,I laugh at everything and I bite my lip then it bleeds it just happens. I went to go get a tissue. Autumn looked at me " EEEWWW! SHES BLEEDING" everybody looked at me. 

   "I'm fine you guys perfectly fine," I said while waving my hand around yet they still looked at me "What did you do?" Coach Landers and Kasen asked "When Kasen yelled out I tried not laugh out loud so I bit my lip to hard and it started bleeding thats all", geesh they have to know every single little detail. "Ok then you can go sit back down" he could tell I was getting annoyed.

   I went to go sit. Jamed was just smiling the whole entire time. I looked him he smiled and laughed. After that it was just a normal day in science.

*Language* Mrs.Dodds

   I sat in front of James. Which always made my day productive. 

   I turned around to go get my binder off the shelf and when I turned I ran into James he was twirling around on one foot he had hit Ben in the face " I am an awesome ballerina ain't I Zoe and Ben?" he asked in a deep manly voice. Ben walked away I bite my lip trying not to laugh "Don't do it you will bite it to hard and it will bleed just, let it goo" I laughed out it wasn't loud but loud enough were Jamed heard and he started laughing too which made me laugh even more.            
     Mrs.Dodds walked in and we both stopped and went to go grab our binders. She just stared at us as we sat down. Then she smiled at us. Mrs.Dodds class had a few laughs here and there and we left for 3rd.

*Athletics* Coach Howard

  Athletics was Athletics I struggled but got through it.The thing that sucks Nadya was Nadya was actually athletic so we were always separated.

*Social Studies* Coach Martin

   Yippee. I sat down in the back by the door to be away from everybody. Everybody talked and I just sat there, day dreaming about meeting One Direction. "Zoe, Stop daydreaming about Mister Payne" Coach Martin said beside me. Clearly I've been through this many of times. " Do you like One Direction?" I looked at him with a 'duhh are you serious face' "Here you go,"  it was a mini One Direction notebook "Thank you coach," he just smiled and went back. I went back to daydreaming. "RINNGG" 5th period woohoo.

*Math* Mrs.Ramon

I sat down I also like math to I am not very good at it though. Mrs.Ramon is ok not the best teacher but she is a good one. I sit behind Kasen and besides Josslyn and Ben is on my other side. I only talk to Josslyn while Kasen writes on my binder and talks to Ben. Math was normal. Then to lunch.

If you have gotten this far thank you for reading. Sorry if theres any spelling that is wrong.Ummm I don't know what to say but thank you for reading.

Love, Zoe

Ps. 3rd Chapter: Meeting Who?

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