{Number Three}

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Winters P.R.O.V

Once I arrived through the gate of hell I see a tone of cars parked in the parking spaces leaving only the spaces at the back available

Driving to the back of the car park I notice four boys standing at their cars leaving a space in the middle open, deciding against the middle space I park next to a slick phantom black Mustang making their heads turn

Stepping out I lean over the drivers' seat and grab my bag slinging one strap over my shoulder before I grab my phone and bubblegum

I shut my door and lock the car as I start walking toward the front main doors

'Damn look at that ass'

'I'd tap that for sure'


'Let's not start, Boys Lucas always has them first'

Smirking to myself I continue walking towards the doors and to the main doors pushing them open I strut down to the main office to pick up my schedule

I push open the fogged doors and see my favourite receptionist Maggie, smiling to myself I walk around the deck covering her eyes making her squeal in shock

"Guess who" I smile in a fake male tone

"Mike, come on that's not funny" she squeaks making me giggle I take my hands away and stand behind me

She slowly turns around and gives me a confused look "um excuse me young lady but your not meant to be on this side of the reception please go back onto the other side if you may" I looked at her in disbelief before I realised I'm not who I use to be I've changed even my own mother didn't recognise me

"Maggie it's me, Winter!" I squeal at her shock expression "Winter Del Rosá" I grin at her happy, shocked and proud expression giving her a huge hug

"Oh, babe! Your finally back and looking good at that" she winks, she was like a second mom to me always looking out for me picking me up when others pushed me down

"Oh your schedule you must hurry to class, now I do not blame you if you end up getting sent to the office threw out the year or getting a billion detentions because it's a new year new you right" she smirks handing me my timetable before shooing me away

Waving at her I walk out and down the halls to my old locker with the same combination

After I stuffed my locker with my unnecessary stuff in my locker I sling my half-empty bag over my shoulder before walking to my first class with us like almost finished

Pushing the doors open to my Science class I see my teacher, Mr Gamble, he never liked me literally he helped my enemy stink bomb my locker when I was a sophomore

"Who are you and why are you late to class" He scolds crossing his arms waiting for me to explain

Rolling my eyes I move to the back of the room caught some glares and lustful gazes that are thrown my way

I sit at the back of the class right next to the window before I pull out my earphone and plug them into my ears to drown out the sounds of the teachers' annoying voice

After about 20 minutes the door slams open revealing the four boys from this morning and another guy with Cloe hanging off of his arm

They walk down the isles of desk settling down in the seats next to me, my vision of the chalkboard gets covered by a pair of black midnight jeans and a white mini skirt that is way to far up

"You're in my seat," a deep velvet voice said making me shiver on the inside, looking up I notice it was Lucas Rodrigues the bad boy and player of our school

"I don't see your name on it" I shoot back making him smirk "now if you mind I'm trying to focus" I grumbled looking to the front

"Um excuse me but if you didn't hear him before, he said that's his seat" Cloe glared at me making me glare ten times harder making her shrink back behind Lucas

"What are you looking at bitch" she screeches making me cover my ears at her annoying high pitched voice

"Nothing" I glared at the blonde prostitute in front of me.

"Really" she glared making my blood burn.

"Yeah......" I sneered looking her straight in the eyes making her shiver "now if you wouldn't mind, I'm trying to learn, but I obviously can't since there's a prostitute trying to get it on with her little toy boy in front of me" I said sarcastically as she flipped me a bird.

I grin as she turns red and the entire class burst into laughter "New kid! Detention!" My teacher yelled as I shrug and stand throwing my bag over my shoulder and walking past his desk not forgetting the purple slip.

Walking to the door I turn around and look at the class who are watching me about to leave "oh and the names Winter, Winter Del Rosá" I grin.

It takes me a while to find the class for detention seeing as I was never in trouble here, walking in I see my uncle Todd aka the principal sweated at the front signing some papers.

"Name and reason your here," My uncle says writing on a piece of paper without looking up.

"Is that any way to treat a relative uncle Tod really" I smirk as his head shoots up and smiled

"Winter, how are you my favourite niece" he smiles taking his glasses off as I sit on top of a desk at the front and start having a conversation with my uncle

"Alright you all can leave early seeing as it is my nieces first day back," my uncle said walking out

Turning to the boys they look at me in shock before grinning

"So the nerd of winter is back yet badder then ever" and there it is again with the nickname.

"We were only in here for 10 minutes how did you get us out so early," Hale Jackson said asked

"Easy, if your the Principals favourite niece then you get let off easy right" I shrugged picking up the leather jacket I had slide off only 10 minutes ago

"Now if you need any help, yell my name and I'll be there" I smirked walking out letting my hips sway naturally


I managed to go out to my car and have a smoke before coming back in just as the bell rang for lunch

Walking through the halls it was half empty half full, making it to the double doors of the cafeteria I push them open making the students in the cafe go silent

Making my way to the line I grab a tray and play a chicken wrap with a bottle of water as well as a chocolate moose and a burger

Paying for lunch I walk to the table far away from the rest of the students and in my own little corner

"Well if it isn't the fat Nerd of Winter, it's been too long bestie how have you been" a dark giggle came from in front of me

Looking up I see a real-life prostitute.....Nah jokes it was Rubicca aka ruby, my ex-best friend.

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